Calls for the resignation of Indiana AG for trial-and-error applications


INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill was summoned to resign Tuesday after publicly disclosing an internal memo detailing allegations that the Republican allegedly touched four women in a bar. Indianapolis, including a parliamentarian who told him the president of the Democratic Party of Indiana, John Zody, said that the allegations against Hill, which were filed by the legislature and three members of the legislative staff, are "more than disturbing and madly inappropriate. "

"We believe that multiple charges against the Attorney General are serious and raise material doubts as to the ability to effectively perform the duties of his post," said Mr. Zody. "Attorney General Hill should spare Hoosiers from this controversy and resign from his post. "

Up to now, however, no prominent Republican has asked for his resignation.The President of the Republican Party of Indiana, Kyle Hupfer, has said the GOP had "zero tolerance for sexual harassment", but he stopped calling for the resignation of Hill

Hill, a Republican, denied these allegations, calling them "deeply troubling". He did not answer questions on Tuesday about his intention to resign.

The Indianapolis Star was the first Monday to report an eight-page confidential memo detailing a survey on the subject. ; aff The document, which was obtained independently by the Associated Press, was written by the law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister at the request of the legislative leaders of Indiana. The AP has expurgated the name of a woman in the document because it does not generally identify women who have an allegation of sexual misconduct.

She presents a photo of a heavily intoxicated hill that was walking in an Indianapolis bar early in the morning. The document dated June 18 indicates that Hill's alleged conduct towards employees of the legislature could have been "inappropriate", but that it was "probably not severe or sufficiently intrusive". However, the firm found that Hill's conduct towards the legislator was "probably quite blatant to reach the threshold of" severe ".

The note includes details of interviews conducted with six women who attended the end-of-session party

The legislator said that an inebriated hill put his hands on his back, slipped them into his back, put them under his clothes and grabbed his buttocks, in agreement with the memo. She told him to back off and went away, but Hill approached her again later and again reached her clothes and caught her. According to the memo, she did not tell him to back off,

The Associated Press does not identify alleged victims of misconduct or sexual assault unless they do not manifest themselves publicly.

Hill gave another staff member a two-minute backrub which made her feel uncomfortable, according to the memo. Another staff member said Hill put his arm around him and slid his hand behind his back. When she tried to take her hand off, she said that he was feeling her buttocks, notes the memo.

Other staff members reported that Hill had told them that to get better bar service, they had to show more knee and leg.

Hill, a convinced social conservative who is married, described the allegations as "vicious" and said that there was a "fundamental lack of fairness in this whole process."

"At no time was my behavior inappropriate, I touch anyone in an inappropriate way," Hill said in a statement. He also stated that he had never been contacted by an investigator and that he had "not been informed of who had formulated these allegations".

But legislative leaders said in a joint statement that the investigation was over and that the Attorney General to the satisfaction of the employees involved.

They declined further comments on Tuesday.

Republican Governor Eric Holcomb did not directly address the allegations in a statement.

"I am in a remote Montana area with Janet celebrating our birthday for a few days. I have little information from media sources that I can access, "Holcomb said." I will be returning to Indianapolis late tomorrow night. Until I have reviewed the facts in detail, I will not have any other comments. "

Hupfer, his chairman of the GOP, said he" continued to inquire about the details of the investigation into the allegations. "[19659021"Itisimportanttobeclear:asapartyoftheRepublicanwehaveastrongtoleranceforexualbehavioranditisfortunatewhichtheyhavebeenstucked"acclaimedHupfer"TheCommercialCommUNCEDactionshavenotcontactedinthepublicorelsewhere"

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