Campaign Director of Deceased Deceased Owner: He Will Still Win Nevada Elections


The campaign director of the Republican candidacy of the former owner of the Nevada brothel, Denis Hof, to the post of state representative, predicts that he will posthumously win the election to the the legislature of that State.

Chuck Muth pointed out that the Republican had a recording advantage almost twice as high compared to Democrats in the district predicting that Hof would still earn a few weeks after his death, at age 72 years old.

"I feel very comfortable predicting that he will still win the November elections," Muth said, according to Reuters.

Muth said Hof, who owned seven legal brothels in Nevada and enjoyed celebrity status as the star of the HBO reality series, "Cathouse," was likely to win even more Republican voters because of his death.

"There are a lot of Republicans who have voted badly for Dennis because of the nature of his business and they now know that it's not him who will serve," Muth told Reuters. "They will feel much more comfortable voting for him, knowing that another Republican will replace him."

It was announced Wednesday that Hof would remain on the ballot because they have already been printed and sent. He presents himself to a legislative seat long held by the Republicans. If elected, county officials will appoint another Republican to replace him.

Hof was found dead on Tuesday. No criminal act is suspected.

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