Campbell Soup Rejects Soros Conspiracy Theory on Twitter


In a tweet sent Monday, Kelly Johnston, Campbell's vice president of government affairs, wrote that the Open Society Foundations had arranged for "troop carriers" and "wagons" to support the caravan, which is being held. is formed in Central America. Johnston's Twitter account has been removed and the tweet is no longer online. Kenneth Vogel, New York Times reporter posted a screenshot of Johnston's tweet Tuesday.

"The opinions expressed by Mr. Johnston on Twitter are his personal opinions and do not represent Campbell Soup Company's position," a spokesman for the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Open Society Foundations, which seek to promote democracy around the world, have called the tweet fake.

"Neither Mr. Soros nor Open Society are funding this effort," Open Society tweeted Tuesday. "We are surprised to see a Campbell Soup leader spreading false stories."

"We support the historic commitment of the United States to welcome people fleeing oppression and violence in their home country," added Open Society.

A caravan of more than 7,000 migrants was formed in Honduras more than a week ago. Migrants, who claim to be fleeing poverty and violence, cross Mexico to the US border.

Other public figures and politicians have hinted, without proof, that Soros was funding the caravan.

"The person who apparently finances this case is George Soros," said televangelist Pat Robertson during an episode of The 700 Club's flagship broadcast, the Christian Broadcasting Network, which was posted on YouTube on Monday. . "Now we have no hard evidence about it, but it's suspicion."
Congressman Matt Gaetz posted a video on Twitter showing someone who is distributing money to a crowd.

"RUPTURE: A video in Honduras giving money to 2 women and children 2 join the caravan and invade the US border at the time of elections," he said. "Soros? US-backed NGOs? It's time to investigate the source!"

President Donald Trump seized the caravan as a political issue. Monday, the president declared that he would declare a "national emergency" on the caravan.
Trump also tweeted several dubious claims about immigration and the caravan, claiming that "unknowns from the Middle East" are "mixed" with the caravan, that he would cut off foreign aid to the caravan and that the Mexican authorities have not prevented the migrants in Mexico.

The president also accused the Democrats of pushing for outdated borders.

CNN's Patrick Oppmann, Catherine E. Shoichet and Natalie Gallón contributed to this report.

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