Campbell's Exec Out After Tweets on George Soros's Theory of Conspiracy


Photo: J. David Ake (AP)

A leader of the Campbell Soup Company who tweeted about conspiracy theories involving former hedge fund manager George Soros is no longer with the company, confirmed a spokesman in Gizmodo. Campbell's Vice President of Government Affairs, Kelly Johnston, said on Twitter that the Soros Open Society Foundations were assisting a caravan of migrants currently heading to the Mexican border, a claim that Open Society is unfounded.

Johnston claimed that the organization of Soros was the master puppet behind the "troop carriers" and the "railway wagons taking [the migrants] Without any apparent evidence of his claims, Johnston also tweeted that Open Society "planned and executed this, including where they were doing their needs." The tweet deleted since was shared by Kenneth Vogel of The New York Times.

The company told CNN last week that Johnston's remarks on Twitter did not reflect the company's position. A Campbell's spokesman told Gizmodo in an e-mail statement that Johnston's last day with the company was Thursday.

"Mr. Johnston and the company announced in August that he would leave his position with his departure scheduled for early November," the spokesman said. "In recent days, the company and Mr. Johnston have agreed that under the current circumstances it would be better to expedite his departure."

In response to Johnston's remarks in a tweet Open Society said on Tuesday that "neither Mr. Soros nor the Open Society are funding this effort," adding that he "nonetheless supports the US's historic commitment to welcoming people fleeing from the United States." oppression and violence in their country of origin ".

Soros was among those targeted this week by a series of bombings targeting more than a dozen prominent Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump, including the Obamas, Clinton, Senator Cory Booker and the CNN office in New York, among others. A homemade bomb was found in a mailbox at Soros' home in New York, when he was not home at the time.

Soros, a prominent political activist and donor to the Democratic Party, is a frequent target of conservative groups. In addition to the conspiracy theories on Soros philanthropy and activism, he is also the target of anti-Semitic rhetoric and has been accused of funding demonstrations and riots. Earlier this month, President Donald Trump appeared Throwing oil on the fire of the anti-Soros conspiracy by accusing the billionaire on Twitter of paying the protesters.

As the Washington Post noted, Johnston's tweets last week were not the only ones to invoke a connection between the Soros organization and the migrant caravan or other events. Screenshots taken by another Twitter user Before Johnston's account was erased, he showed that he described Soros as a "terrorist" and claimed to have financed the "anti-Kavanaugh" protests.

[CNN, Washington Post]

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