Can chiropractic care disrupt vision? In rare cases, violent manipulation of the neck is linked to a damaging side effect – ScienceDaily


For people who usually have their necks adjusted by a chiropractor, the Kellogg Eye Center at the University of Michigan has some interesting information to know about: It has been shown that large neck manipulation has been shown speed resulted in ocular stress and uneven vision.

The risk is rare, but the one that Yannis Paulus, M.D., retina specialist at Kellogg, reports in the American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports.

Flares and energy rotations sometimes performed during high-speed neck manipulations have been associated with lesions of the retinal blood vessels. The resulting abnormal bleeding in the eye can also lead to vision loss.

This was the case for a 59-year-old woman who had a "tadpole-like" vision in the vision as she was returning home after a visit to a chiropractor – her sight worsening the next day. She had just received manipulation of the cervical spine using the high-speed technique to relieve her headaches.

The woman's vision returned to normal after about two weeks without treatment.

Her optometrist, co-author of the case report, referred her to the Kellogg Eye Center.

Since the cells of the retina are so sensitive, even the smallest lesions in the blood vessels can cause vision problems.

That's why Paulus encourages patients to report their activities in alternative medicine – and doctors to listen to them carefully and inform them of possible side effects.

Risks of chiropractic treatment

The experts in cardiology have talked about the health risks of chiropractic treatment.

High velocity neck manipulation has been associated with some type of stroke, or dissection of the vertebral artery, which has led the American Heart Association to issue a warning in 2014.

Short and fast movements of the neck can cause a small tear in the walls of the arteries of the neck. Damage to the artery wall can lead to a stroke if a clot forms on the site and breaks down later to block a blood vessel in the brain.

Eye problems can follow, including double vision or occlusion of the central retinal artery, a blockage of the artery carrying oxygen to the nerve cells of the retina at the back of the eye.

But the case of Kellogg suggests a new complication: direct damage to the structures of the eye due to the force of neck adjustments.

According to the authors, this is the first case report of chiropractic care leading to multiple preretinal hemorrhages.

Other possible complications disrupt the vitreous humor – the transparent, gel-like substance that fills the eye between the lens and the retina.

The high-speed technique may have induced posterior vitreous detachment or PVD, which occurs when the vitreous humor moves away from the retina.

No specific treatment is needed for PVD. According to the American Society of Retinal Specialists, most patients no longer notice reflections in their vision after three months and "floaters" tend to improve.

Complications due to MPV are rare but can be serious and in some cases require urgent treatment, such as a laser treatment to seal the retinal tear or surgery in case of retinal detachment.

Although the link between chiropractic care and chiropractic care is considered a temporal association, it is difficult to ignore the timing of the patient's ocular symptoms after the chiropractic visit.

Paulus did not rule out future chiropractic visits for the patient, but notes that "her chiropractor may need to modify the techniques used during her visits."

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