Can space travel affect the health of astronauts? – AT THE SCHOOL


Exposure to cosmic galactic radiation while traveling in far-flung spaces, such as to Mars, could significantly damage the gastrointestinal functions of astronauts, researchers said, led by a man of Indian descent.

The animal study also raises concerns about the high risk of developing tumors in the stomach and colon.

"Heavy ions such as iron and silicon cause damage because of their higher mass than mass-free photons such as X-rays and gamma (y) scattered on Earth, as well as low-mass protons in the Earth. Space, "said Kamal Datta. , Associate Professor at Georgetown University in the United States.

"Although short trips, such as those that astronauts have traveled on the moon, do not expose them to this level of damage, the real concern is the lingering injury of a long journey like that of Mars or the day before." other missions in the deep space that would be much longer, "added Datta.

The gastrointestinal tract is a self-renewing tissue with continuous cell division / proliferation.

The (upper) mucosal layer of cells is replaced every three to five days by the coordinated migration of new cells from the bottom of a vial-like structure called crypt to the lumen of the intestine.

"Any disruption of this replacement mechanism causes dysfunctional physiological processes such as nutrient uptake and the initiation of pathological processes such as cancer," said co-author Albert Fornace Jr., director of the specialized research center. from NASA (NSCOR). "It's important to understand these effects in advance so that we can do everything in our power to protect our future travelers from space," said DattaIANS.

Although short-term displacements, such as the times that astronauts have traveled to the moon, do not expose them to this level of damage, the real concern is the lasting injury of a long journey like that of Mars. or other missions in the far space much longer.

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