Can Tesla Inc. achieve its aggressive model 3 delivery goal? – The fool


You're here (NASDAQ: TSLA) has been in the spotlight recently. A long period of negative press has been the short-lived reflection of CEO Elon Musk on privatization of the company, some controversial tweets on the part of Musk and a high turnover. But the electric car maker is about to have a chance to give a positive twist to the story surrounding the company.

Sunday, the third quarter of Tesla will end. This will mark not only the end of a period in which Tesla hopes to deliver a record number of Model 3, but also achieve optimal profitability. However, after Tesla has dropped about six months from its initial production schedule, it is easy to doubt the automaker 's ability to reach the big target of Model 3 shipments as the company' s management expects it. is fixed for the quarter.

The pressure is on the least we can say.

A red model 3.

Model 3. Image Source: Tesla.

Can Tesla deliver?

In Tesla's second-quarter letter to shareholders, management said it expects to produce 50,000 to 55,000 Model 3 vehicles in the third quarter, with shipments exceeding that level. In other words, Tesla forecasted about 55,000 model 3 or more deliveries during the quarter.

Although the recommendations were published after a quarter in which Tesla delivered only 18,449 models, 3 Tesla indicated in its letter of August 1 that it had completed the quarter with a production rate of 5,000 models 3 per week . In addition, management even reported having reached this weekly production rate several times during the first month of July, the first month of the third quarter.

But as Tesla's third quarter draws to a close, Tesla is facing major challenges in bringing new Model 3 vehicles to its customers. An unprecedented level of deliveries for the company faces new logistical challenges for management.

The first issue to come was a reference from CEO Elon Musk in a September 21 tweet, citing an "incredibly intense" week for Model 3 shipments. In the tweet, Musk invited Tesla owners to educate new customers 3. "If current Tesla owners wishing to help educate new owners could go to the Tesla distribution centers at noon on Saturday / Sunday and morning / evening on weekdays," said Musk, "that would be much appreciated!" Based on the media coverage and media coverage of what followed, the owners' response was extremely positive.

But even that did not solve all the logistical problems of Tesla with the deliveries. In a tweet of Sept. 24, Musk said the company "was facing an extreme shortage of car transporter trailers". To remedy the problem, Musk said the company was building its own car carriers this weekend "to ease the load".

Expect sales to skyrocket

Tesla is apparently facing significant logistical hurdles at the end of the quarter, so it is hard to say whether or not the electric car manufacturer can follow its aggressive guidelines.

Nevertheless, vehicle deliveries are expected to increase considerably. Although model 3 shipments were 45,000 during the quarter, total vehicle sales including the S and X models are expected to be between 68,000 and 71,000, which would reduce Tesla's previous quarterly record nearly 41,000 units.

Of course, the big question is whether model 3 shipments will be high enough for Tesla to reach the size needed to become profitable.

Stay tuned. Tesla generally releases quarterly updates on vehicle deliveries and production within three days of the end of the quarter.

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