Can the use of probiotics help reduce antibiotic prescriptions in children?


New York: According to researchers, the daily diet of probiotics in infants and children can dramatically reduce the need for antibiotic treatment, a finding that could help combat the global rise in infections drug-resistant.

The study found that infants and children were 29% less likely to have received antibiotics if they received probiotics as a daily health supplement.

The results, published in the European Journal of Public Health, are very intriguing, the researchers said.

"Given this finding, one of the ways to reduce the use of antibiotics is to use regular probiotics," said Daniel Merenstein, a professor at Georgetown University.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance has occurred in 500,000 people with suspected bacterial infections in 22 countries.

Reducing the use of antibiotics is a strategy to combat resistance.

"We already have evidence that probiotic consumption reduces the incidence, duration, and severity of certain types of common acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infections," Merenstein said.

However, the way probiotics help fight infections is unclear.

Merenstein said: "There are many potential mechanisms, such as the production of probiotics of pathogen inhibitors, immune regulation, among others.

"We do not know all the mechanisms that probiotic strains could use, but since most of the human immune system is found in the gastrointestinal tract, the ingestion of healthy bacteria can rule out bacterial pathogens linked to intestinal infections. ., "he explained.

For the study, the team grouped data from twelve studies. The probiotics used in the studies reviewed were strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

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