Can you tow a Tesla Model 3 to recharge its battery?


Regenerative braking is a pretty cool technology, which certainly helps to extend the range of an electric vehicle, but is it enough to charge an EV alone? An intrepid YouTuber wanted to know it. In a recently released video, he decided to tow his model 3 flat with another car.

If you do not know the operation of regenerative braking, it basically uses the movement of the wheels to rotate the frame inside the electric motor in order to generate power. Essentially, it turns the drive motor of your electric vehicle into a big alternator. In theory, this should allow the driver to use a tow strap to pull his electric vehicle and recharge his battery.

In this case, Matt from the Tech Forum channel used a 2013 Ford C-Max Energi to flat tow his Model 3 with Version 9 software around a small residential loop at a speed of about 20 miles per hour. The Tesla was towed a kilometer, then he was able to walk 10 kilometers more of similar driving before giving up and going home, with some fees to the bank, so to speak.

On the surface, this is a fairly impressive feat, but considering that you would need another vehicle capable of training, it is obviously not a very effective way to regularly recharge your VE. It should also be noted that Matt's Model 3 battery was already relatively charged, to begin with. This process probably would not work if your car was completely dead, and could be less efficient with a more unloaded pack.

Still, it's pretty cool.

(h / t to Jalopnik to find this video)

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