Canada almost exhausted after marijuana is legalized


Canada is failing to meet the demand for newly legal weeds. Four days after the legalization of marijuana in the country, retail stores are almost exhausted.

"It's a mess … Supply is just a mess," Patrick Wallace, owner of Alberta store 420 Store in Alberta, told CBC.

The Canadian Parliament voted in favor of the legalization of marijuana in June and this decision came into effect Wednesday, with different rules in the Canadian provinces. The newly legal industry is expected to represent annual sales of $ 6.5 billion.

The problem began on the first day of legalization, when customers in Quebec, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, Newfoundland and online stores were all struggling to obtain legal grass. said Vice.

Stores selling marijuana are licensed to do so, but even those licensed stores have not been able to access sufficient supplies at the time of ordering. In some cases, orders placed by store owners contained only a portion of requests, and demand for this limited supply far exceeded expectations.

"We were on the website, but there is nothing on the site. There is no product, "CBC CBC Karen Barry of Beltline Cannabis, Calgary, told CBC. "I'm sure the [Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission] is working hard to fix the problem. "

Some stores closed until the supply problem was resolved, displaying "out of stock" signs.

Even in September, when the first licensees were able to pre-order the product that was soon to be legalized, the supply was a problem. Wallace told CBC / Radio-Canada that out of 300 advertised products, only 70 were available at the time. Stores that are just getting their license are facing an even greater shortage.

"This is the fourth day of legalization … and nobody has all the answers yet," AGLC spokeswoman Heather Holmen told CBC.

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