Canada becomes first industrialized nation to legalize cannabis


ST JOHN'S, Newfoundland / TORONTO (Reuters) – Canada has become one of the largest industrialized nations in the world.

Weed enthusiasts in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, kicked off the first permissible sales at midnight. Over 100 people in the province of St. John's capital, Twenty-branded by Canopy Growth Corp., the world's most recognized cannabis producer.

Canopy's Chief Executive Bruce Linton rank in the first sales to Ian Power Residents and Nikki Rose.

"I'm going out tonight to be the first person in Canada to buy the first legal gram of cannabis, to help the end of prohibition in Canada finally," said Power.

The day was famous for the world as adults will be able to become a marijuana after a century-long ban.

However, many provincial governments' approval of a small number of shops, and most of all, are likely to be more important than any other.

"There will be a lot of celebrations on the day," said Brad Poulos, an instructor and cannabis business expert at Ryerson University in Toronto. "Recreational cannabis users in Canada … will continue with their (existing) sources of supply until the legal system catches up."

Despite the dearth of stores in Canada's biggest cities, consumers can buy legal marijuana online, from provincial governments or licensed retailers, although delivery will take a few days.

Other countries around the world, which are just medical marijuana, are watching Canada's recreational legalization, which combines federal rules with varying provincial regulations.

The move is a political win for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who vowed to legalize cannabis in his 2015 election campaign. That pledge was taken from the world of organized crime, production and distribution of a product that millions of Canadians had been consuming illegally.

But provinces and businesses have struggled to prepare, and legalization was pushing back from their expectations.

CANOPY GROWTH CEO Bruce Linton hands Ian Power, who is a first-time retailer in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada October 17, 2018. REUTERS / Chris Wattie

In the run-up to legalization, cannabis companies have been on the market, creating an investor frenzy.

The federal government and many provinces have been cautious, starting with limited stores and products, including no longer available for a year, and tight control over supply.


Ontario, home to Canada's most populous city, Toronto, will have no physical stores until April 2019, due to a change to the province's retail model by a new provincial government.

British Columbia, which plans both province-run and private outlets, has only one government store 350 kilometers (220 miles) from its biggest city, Vancouver. Mike Farnworth said: "Private store licenses will only be issued after legalization, the province's Public Safety Minister.

"October 18th, in many ways," Farnworth said.

Even in provinces with more shops, empty shelves are likely to a shortage of product. A study by the University of Waterloo and the economic policy think tank C.D. Howe Institute found that it would satisfy the needs of the future.

"Oct. 17 will … probably be the least elegant day, "Canopy's CEO Linton said. "But the key message is not how it works on the first day but there is a first day."

Law enforcement going forward could be patchy. In August, Canada approved a device to detect levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabis 's psychoactive element, in drivers' oral fluids.

But many large police departments will be responsible for the $ 5,000 device, Adam Palmer, president of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, told reporters on Monday.

Draeger Safety Canada, which has made the device, has had two orders of magnitude.

Canada has invested C $ 274 million to enforce the new laws and some provinces have their own funding, but Palmer said police will not crack down on illegal stores right away.

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"When the law changes on the 17th, we're not going to see a big change overnight," Palmer said. "Police are not … chomping at the bit to go out and start raiding stores."

Reporting By Nichola Saminather; additional reporting by Julie Gordon and Rod Nickel; Editing by Denny Thomas and Bernadette Baum

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