Canada prepares retaliation against "offensive" US tariffs


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                  Earlier this month, Justin Trudeau said that" I have not been in the same place. it was "insulting and unacceptable" for the United States set tariffs in response to a national security threat given the close military cooperation between the two countries for decades. | Getty </p>
<p>  Ottawa also promised to providing over $ 1.5 billion in assistance to Canadian steel and aluminum workers and businesses that may be penalized by US tariffs </p>
<p class="said the Minister. Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland speaking at a steel mill in Hamilton, Ontario

The Canadian government has released the final list of US goods will be targeted at 25% tariffs and 10% The list includes im portages of steel and aluminum, but also consumer goods such as whiskey, kitchen utensils, toilet paper and candles.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other senior Canadian officials offend US tariffs. 1. President Donald Trump has imposed tariffs in Canada, Mexico, the European Union and other allies under a law that allows him to impose restrictions to protect national security

. Earlier this month, Trudeau said it was "insulting and unacceptable" to frame the measure in response to a threat to national security given the close military cooperation between the two countries.

Canada's announcement Friday will begin a week of major trade retaliation from Mexico and China related to steel tariffs and other US trading actions. Mexico is expected to impose countermeasures on steel and aluminum tariffs in the United States by paying about $ 3 billion worth of US imports as of July 5.

China should immediately respond to one dollar to one dollar against US tariffs that are expected to be imposed on July 6 following a survey of Beijing's technology transfer policies. The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it would impose a 25% tariff on 34 billion dollars of Chinese imports and 16 billion dollars of additional imports.

Freeland said she was in touch with the EU and Mexico. coordinate a response to US tariffs. She said she discussed this issue with EU officials during a visit to Brussels on Tuesday and had talks with Mexican officials this week.

The Canadian Minister also stated that the tariff measures did not prevent her from continuing the dialogue with her American counterparts. She emphasized the fact that she spoke six times with the US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer.

"I have expressed our willingness to meet anytime, anywhere to solve this problem," Freeland said. I maintain that common sense will eventually prevail.

Canada will also put in place protective measures to protect its steel and aluminum industries against imports from other countries, fearing that tariffs Americans do not divert shipments to Canada.

"We are really concerned about dumping, we are concerned about diversion and we are going to work closely with the aluminum and steel sectors to look at the specific products we need. to put in place protective measures, "said Canada's Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Bains, who during the same press conference

announced that would be promulgated soon after consulting the industry, helping businesses take advantage of the opportunities offered by other Canada's trade agreements.

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