Canadian founder Gavin McInnes leaves Proud Boys after the FBI calls him an "extremist group linked to white nationalism"


Gavin McInnes, the right-wing Canadian hipster provocateur who co-founded the media vice-empire in Montreal, left the Proud Boys two days after the FBI categorized the fraternal organization as "an extremist group tied to white nationalism." "

"I officially disassociate myself from the Proud Boy at all levels, forever. I stopped, "said McInnes in a video posted on YouTube. "I have never been the leader, only the founder."

He said he did so reluctantly, because he considered the Proud Boys as the largest fraternal organization in the world, but "rumors, lies, and terrible journalism found themselves in the justice system."

This is NYC Nine, a group of Proud Boys members who were arrested after a fight in Manhattan after a McInnes conference. McInnes said that he had been told that his dissociation "could help ease their sentences."

He was reading a script.

Gavin McInnes participated in a protest in New York last year. On Wednesday, he left the Proud Boys group that he had founded.

Stephanie Keith / Getty Images

He denied that the group, whose members wear distinctive Fred Perry golf shirts and portray themselves as "western chauvinists", has ties to white nationalists. He also denied that the Proud Boys is an extremist group and called it a group of guys who like silly jokes and idiotic games, such as hitting themselves until they can name five cereals for breakfast.

He also said that white nationalism and white supremacy are "a vase" that people should not talk about.

"Such people do not exist," he said.

He then solicited funds for a legal defense fund.

He, his wife and children would have been shocked by the reaction of their neighbors when they settled in the expensive city of Larchmont, a suburb of New York. As a result of the New York brawl, yard signs began to appear in their neighborhood, saying "Hate Has No Home Here".

His dissociation of the Proud Boys also follows the decision of the Canadian e-commerce company Shopify to ban the group. This, in turn, followed similar decisions of Facebook and Instagram.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks the activities of hate groups, lists Proud Boys as a hate group.

But it is the news of the FBI's designation that has been the most damaging. The FBI had warned Washington State police that the group was actively recruiting in the Pacific Northwest and that its members had "contributed to the escalation of violence at political gatherings held on campuses. universities and in cities such as Charlottesville, Virginia and Portland. , Oregon and Seattle, Washington. "

"The FBI sees the Proud Boys as an extremist group tied to white nationalism," according to a report by the Clark County Sheriff's Office in Vancouver, Washington.

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