Canadian scientist names beetle after Jose Bautista


OTTAWA, Ontario – Jose Bautista has a new namesake in fashion.

Canadian Museum of Nature entomologist Bob Anderson named a newly discovered species of beetle Sicoderus bautistai, after the former star of the Toronto Blue Jays.

Anderson decided to name this insect – called a weevil for its long snout – named Bautista because of its race to the bat that propelled Toronto to the 2015 AHL series.

"It was one of those moments in the kind of baseball in Toronto where he hit that big homer," said Anderson. "And I thought it was a great way to recognize his contributions to Blue Jay baseball and Canadian baseball as a whole."

Jose Bautista, shown here turning around after a three-point circuit in ALDS in October 2015, gave his name to a beetle because of the draw. Tom Szczerbowski / Getty Images

Bautista, 38, played for Toronto from 2009 to 2017. He is a free agent after being separated from last season with the Mets New York, Atlanta Braves and Philadelphia Phillies.

The Sicoderus bautistai is a tiny black weevil that is found in the Dominican Republic, where Bautista lives.

Anderson has named about 120 weevils during his career.

"One of the benefits of this solution is that you have some leeway to do something weird," Anderson said. "[Naming] somehow supports a story, and the names tell little stories. "

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