Canal Weather reporter Florence Struggles becomes viral


The Internet is spending a day on the ground with a video from a Weather Channel reporter who seems to have a hard time standing upwind in Wilmington, NC, during what is was then Hurricane Florence.

The reporter, Mike Seidel, used dramatic moves to apparently keep his balance during a live shooting on Friday. But then, two men come into the frame behind him and seem to have no trouble moving around.

A Twitter user – whose message has been retweeted more than 230,000 times – has subtitled the video: "So dramatic! Get out of the weather channel for his life, as two guys pass by.

Hurricane Florence, which was downgraded Sunday to a tropical depression, is a serious and potentially fatal meteorological event that has already killed 14 people, and Seidel seems to have really organized a show for her audience.

"It's about as bad as he was," he says, while preparing for the wind with which the others seemed to have little trouble.

The Weather Channel issued a statement in Washington To post Saturday, defending the journalist's viral performance, claiming he was "undoubtedly exhausted".

"It is important to note that the two individuals in the background are walking on concrete, and Mike Seidel is trying to keep his foot on wet grass, after reporting to the antenna until he 1:00 am this morning statement said.

Although Seidel apparently has not been in a dangerous situation, people warned of flash floods, record rainfall and severe floods should consider weather warnings to stay as safe as possible.

Meanwhile, the Internet has made us all laugh during this difficult time for many people, while Florence continues to wreak havoc in the cities of the East Coast.

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