CANCER WARRIOR: Joy in the midst of pain


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Lucky Ndanu was only 23 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The 33-year-old cancer warrior, his mother, his data analyst, and his project manager speak with about his trip.

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2008, a year after I had symptoms of the disease.

In early 2007, I noticed a lump on my right breast, but I did not know it because it was painless. I did not think it was serious. I was only 22 years old.

However, a few months after the end of my university studies, I began to experience symptoms that pushed me to seek medical attention.

The mass had grown and moved every time I tried to trace it. My chest has also become sensitive to touch and the veins on them have become more visible. I would also feel pain spasms from my armpits, right into my breast.

Immediately after writing my last article in December 2007, I went to see a clinician who said that it was normal for young women to have bumps sometimes, but he still sent me to have a mammogram for rule out any disease or health problem.

My first consultation took place in a clinic, but I decided to transfer the results to a larger hospital. The doctor ordered a series of additional tests, including a biopsy.

When I returned for my results, the doctor insisted that I be accompanied by an adult. I wondered why he had insisted on it, while I participated in all the tests and all the appointments. And I did not think I was suffering from a serious illness.

Because of his insistence, I came back with my mother a few days later. I remember his face very well when the doctor said that the tests had confirmed my cancer. My mother broke down while I was there smiling.

I could not understand what he had just said because I had never thought about the possibility of cancer even during the tests.

So I sat there, smiling at my doctor, forgetting the weight of the diagnosis. The doctor took his time to explain the disease as well as the treatment options that I should consider.

He said that my cancer was receptive to hormones, which means that a lot of estrogen in my body triggered the disease. I've had two options, either undergo a mastectomy and hormonal treatment for five years, or undergo lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy.

My doctor believed that I refused and immediately sent me to a counselor.

We fixed an appointment a week later so that he could consult other oncologists on the best treatment option. This week was also meant to help me accept the diagnosis, which was the case; as well as give me the opportunity to seek additional advice.

At the next appointment, my doctor advised me to undergo a mastectomy and hormonal treatment because the cancer was still in its infancy.

This option, it was said, was also helpful in preventing the recurrence of cancer.

We went home to think about the advice. The doctor had asked us to take the shortest possible time to decide on the treatment method to stop the spread of cancer.

It was a difficult time for my family. We had to choose a treatment option.

We consulted two members of my family, doctors, who advised us to seek a second opinion, which we did. The results were the same and the doctors consulted also gave advice on mastectomy.

It took me a while to understand the idea of ​​losing a breast. But we had no other choice. It was either that, or I lost my life because of cancer.

The surgery was planned and performed in May 2008, the year I was 23 years old. After the operation, I was prescribed a hormonal treatment, which consisted of taking tablets daily for five years. The drug came with side effects, including hot flashes, mood swings and general weakness. However, it was all worth it because I was given an irreproachable health afterwards. I am cancer free since!

It was a difficult time for me to accept the fact that I had cancer and that I was reorganizing my life to integrate into society after the loss of my chest.

It took a lot of energy, prayer, encouragement and advice, but I managed to do it.


After my surgery and my hormonal treatment, I had a positive experience. I got pregnant and I had a little girl, who is now a healthy, bubbly and intelligent five-year-old girl. My daughter is my miracle.

When I received treatment, my family took care of me and provided me with financial support. My mother was a super mother during my treatment, which affected her emotionally and financially. But her support never faltered and because of that, I never missed an appointment, took drugs, or felt lonely or unsupported. My extended family has also played an important role in supporting us financially and emotionally.

Sometimes fear infiltrated cancer, especially while I was breastfeeding. I breastfed my baby on one breast until the age of two. On several occasions, my breasts became bumpy and painful. There was a time when bumps really scared me that I went to see my doctor. He diagnosed mastitis – an inflammation of the breast tissue due to an infection – and said that it was normal.

The surviving cancer has made me more aware of my body and attentive to changes. I participate in annual routine examinations since the end of treatment. My doctor is always on my abbreviated number in case I would experience anything.

Routine screenings are very important for everyone. Women and girls should also learn to self-examine so they can quickly note any changes. "

Box of Facts – According to the Mayo Clinic

Mastitis – an inflammation of the breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. This results in breast pain, swelling, heat, redness, fever and chills. Most often affects women who are breastfeeding.

Estrogen – hormones produced by the body that help to develop and maintain the woman's organs.

Lumectomy – surgery to remove cancer or other abnormal tissue from the breast.

Mastectomy – surgery to remove all breast tissue to treat or prevent breast cancer.

The Cancer Warrior story series tells the story of cancer survivors. To share your cancer story, send an email [email protected]

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