Canopy CEO: That's what Cannabis Legalization Looks Like in Canada (video)


Canada is on the verge of becoming the second country to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, which could represent a significant gain for cannabis companies currently listed on the US stock market.

So, what should an investor do?

Street founder Jim Cramer, Portfolio Manager at Action Alerts, looked into this issue at his Bootcamp for Investors in New York.

Cramer sits Saturday for an exclusive conversation with Bill Newlands, COO of Constellation Brands, and Bruce Linton, CEO of Canopy Growth.

Canopy's general manager told Jim Cramer, "Do not be too excited, because there are October 17 and 18". Cramer asked "What will happen in your mind, both when the stock market and in Canada, when cannabis will become legal?"

Linton responded by informing Cramer of a recent trip to London. He said at every meeting that everyone was talking about Brexit: "If you come to Canada, everyone is talking about marijuana."

"The 17th will be a big step forward and a first step faltering". He added: "The actions will go up, down, on the side … hard to know."

Watch the video above for more. More information on the event can be found here: Inside Bootcamp for Investors by Jim Cramer.

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