Canzano: The $ 100,000 question is what father Brian Bowen will say about Oregon Ducks basketball


I do not know how many times you want to hear about the US District Court, but if the University of Oregon is wise, it will convene a staff member in Manhattan on Thursday to hear the testimony .

"Brian Bowen Senior" is on the list of potential cleanup candidates on the list of potential witnesses. And those who appeared in court believe that the father of the rookie at the center of the NCAA basketball scandal could blow up the case.

Bowen's son, Brian Jr., is committed to Louisville after receiving a payment which everyone agrees that it was $ 100,000. This issue, which was proposed to the court, was negotiated after Oregon made an "astronomical" offer for Brian Jr.'s services.

"Oregon, a Nike school, offered [Bowen] an astronomical amount of money if he went to Oregon, "said Tuesday to Jim Gatto's attorney, defense attorney, Casey Donnelly.

This claim was corroborated by the tap recordings that had been heard Wednesday in court. But in the end, we will not know if Oregon's money supply was real until we heard Bowen Sr., are we going?

At this point, these are just discussions. Nothing says if the parties involved exaggerated this, or even manufactured it. But be clear, if Bowen Sr. speaks in court, he will do so under oath, in front of a judge and jury, and if there is a moment of truth in this lawsuit for Oregon – it would probably be it.

Program insiders tell me that Oregon coach Dana Altman was in a plane Tuesday, in recruiting, when the Ducks were demobilized by the defense team in the preliminary statement. The November signing period is essential for Oregon. I am told that Altman came down from the plane and got into trouble. A source close to the program said about Altman: "He is rightfully really frustrated with the ridiculous claim."

The Ducks coach has a media availability on Friday in which he will be questioned about it. In addition, a week from Thursday in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is the day of the Pac 12 Conference Media Conference. This could potentially become a circus for Altman, and perhaps some other conference coaches, if Bowen Sr makes a misstep with his testimony.

Or maybe Bowen closes it off.

The more evidence I hear about what is being said in court, the more I look at the position of the defense. I am not sure that the federal government is making the best use of the time it has to try to clean up university basketball by suing two Adidas middlemen. I do not think that accomplishes much at all. But I'm curious to hear what Bowen Sr. has to say when he asked him about Oregon and what was offered to him or not.

More than 70 potential witnesses are not part of the OU. There is no direct connection. But when the opening statements were read in court, the defense attacked the Ducks, implicating them by suggesting that the operation led by Nike in Eugene had forced Louisville to make an offer of US $ 100,000 in order to equalize the chances.

Adidas has signed a ten-year, $ 160 million contract with Louisville. It makes sense for the athletic shoe company to want the cardinals to have the best sneakers and jerseys, as well as the best talent to wear them. Nike has a $ 88 million, 11-year contract with UO. Let's be realistic: sports shoe manufacturers have every interest in seeing programs succeed.

The system is drunk.

Sneaker companies, including Under Armor, donate resources and money to youth basketball camps, AAU programs and identify talents as young as possible. Then, they spent a lot of time and energy making sure the best players reached their university partners. And you know what's most alarming about it: everyone seems really proud of how it works.

Nobody denies it. Everyone involved accepts it. And now, we are focusing on the phone tapping and on the testimony of a father who has shown his love by essentially selling his son to the program offering the most offers calls.

Is he a credible witness?

Bowen Sr. has lived. He is not charged with a crime. He is not on trial. Nobody asks for a refund. He has all the motivations of the world to tell the truth and expose the system. After all, the twisted system is currently considered the best defense available to the accused.

So yes, lets hear what he has to say himself.

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