Captain America Infinity's war drawings are more American agents than nomads


One of the first models of Captain America in Avengers: Infinity War shows Steve Rogers in costume inspired by the comic book's hero, the American agent. However, this version of the costume has never been included in the film.

In a symbolic gesture during his battle with Tony Stark, Steve Rogers surrenders his shield at the end of Captain America: Civil War. In Avengers: Infinity War, The overall appearance of Steve has changed dramatically, with his faded and faded traditional MCU outfit, which is detrimental to his traditionally patriotic color scheme. This new look represents Cape's decision to give up the role of "Captain America" ​​and become Nomad, an identity used by his comic book counterpart in the early 1970s, which is less restricted by certain rules and ideals to which his character is usually bound. It turns out that Chris Evans may have had a look closer to the character, in the United States, and not Nomad. Avengers: Infinity War.

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In Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of FilmRyan Meinerding, head of visual development at Marvel Studios, talks about the challenge of translating the emotional state of Cap into costume, explaining that an American agent costume was originally envisioned for the film. The artistic concept of the film reveals the appearance of Evans in the suit of the American agent, who would have shared many visual similarities with the final look on which they landed, while incorporating a pattern of color featuring red and white stripes along the torso, as well as extra red accents throughout. Meinerding said:

"The appearance of the Secret Avenger is due to the fact that he was more clandestine and was not part of a larger group like the Avengers, which meant he could wear more black. appeared the articles of USAgent, where he could also wear black and red and see if there was any value to that. "

In comics, John Walker / US. Agent was a super soldier who replaced Captain America in the late 1980s. However, Steve later thought that Walker's violent methods had damaged his legacy, prompting him to reclaim the mantle following a brutal clash. . Walker later became a full-fledged hero and joined the West Coast Avengers as an American agent. In some ways, Walker was the antithesis of Captain America; division, aggressive, hard to get along with, and more interested in following orders than directing. Incidentally, the first character in the comics to wear the red, white and black suit was Steve, not Walker, after Steve resigned from his Captain America post for the second time and adopted the name "The Captain". As captain, Steve wore the same outfit that was eventually assigned to the US agent.

As the two identities of each suit correspond to the direction of Steve's character Avengers: War of Infinity, the reason why the black and red outfit was considered for the film makes perfect sense. The two options deviate enough from the red, white and blue colors of other Cape costumes to convey the idea that Steve is no longer Captain America. However, Marvel finally gave way to red and black outfit and instead adopted the "spirit" of Nomad design.

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Source: Marvel Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of Film

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