Captain America's Infinity War Shield is a nod to its original


Following the events of 2016 Captain America: Civil War, which set the Avengers against each other to deep philosophical differences, Steve Rogers abandoned his alter ego and iconic shield to go underground. But luckily, he resurfaced in Avengers: Infinity War to help lead Wakanda's defense against Thanos' invasion forces, a time announced by the order of King T & # 39; Challa, which will appeal to the crowd, aiming to "evacuate the city, engage all the defenses and get this … man a shield!"

However, the Wakandans do not provide Chris Evans' shield with a traditional shield. Instead, he charges onto the battlefield a pair of gauntlets attached to his forearms. However, even if they deviate considerably from Captain America's signature weapon, their conception is rooted in the story of the Sentinel of Freedom.

With the release of Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of Film, we know that the gauntlets were actually intended to visually recall the original shield of Captain America – the triangular he had led during his tour USO in 2011 Captain America: the first avenger.

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In the art book, Ryan Meinerding, head of visual development at Marvel Studios, revealed the genesis of the Wakandan Gauntlets. "There was a little discussion about the size of these shields," recalled the artist. "There is a line of dialogue in the trailer where Panther says," Give this man a shield. "And I think there was actually a notion of, if that line is in the movie, then they should look like shields."

According to Meinerding, there were some ideas from different sources about what this Wakandan Shield should look like. "The Russos always threw them like arm guards or gloves," he says, "and Kevin [Feige] was still throwing them somehow, seeming to have a little more meat, a little more time for them to look more like a shield. "

In the end, the result was somewhere in the middle. Steve's gauntlets were a little larger than ordinary arm guards, but smaller than a typical shield. In addition to this, the design served as a visual reminder. "I found that the use of some [concept artist] Adi [Granov]The theme of the brand's design is reminiscent of Cap's original shield at the USO – where lines could echo scratches and where the overall outer shape of the shield has the same general meaning. "

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It is poetic that after giving up his circular shield, Steve takes weapons, which echoes his very first shield. Now, as the Avengers prepare to save Thanos' universe in untitled Avengers 4, it seems that Steve is once again kissing Captain America's coat.

The untitled sequel to Avengers: Infinity War will be released on May 3, 2019. Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Marvel Avengers 4 stars: Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Bettany, Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Benoit Wong, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland and Anthony Mackie.

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