Captain Marvel's powers and how they could help defeat Thanos


While Marvel fans have spent a decade getting acquainted with Earth's greatest heroes in the Avengers and beyond, the general public still knows very little of the franchise's most powerful hero, Captain Marvel.

It's all ready to change, now that Brie Larson's first heroic debut trailer has exploded online, giving us a first glimpse of Captain Marvel's powers in action.

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As impressive as these explosions of energy are, the promo still does not reveal the full extent of its abilities. Avengers: Infinity War The writer Christopher Markus, once claimed, is stronger than anything Thor or Hulk are capable of.

Our beloved heroes are going to need all the help they need Avengers 4 if they are to defeat Thanos and defeat the widespread genocide that Mad Titan committed at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. After all, there is only too much Hawkeye and his pointed arrows can be realized.

That's where Carol Danvers comes in. You can see the new trailer again and again until this new shiny suit is etched on your retinas for eternity, but the question remains: how will Captain Marvel help defeat Thanos? the MCU even able to?

Josh Brolin, Thanos, Avengers: The War of Infinity

Marvel Studios

Even before she gained her incredible powers, Carol Danvers made us all ashamed, proving she was an accomplished pilot and soldier while working for NASA and the US Air Force. This is only when an accident merged the genetic structure of an extraterrestrial hero called Mar-Vell with hers that she has become the powerhouse we know today.

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While his character has evolved over the years, Captain Marvel's iconic power play includes superhuman strength, power projection / absorption, and the ability to fly six times faster than the speed of sound.

Most of these gifts are already featured in the trailer, but what is most interesting about Carol Danvers are the powers we have not seen on the screen yet.

In addition to his occasional ability to transform into an even more powerful form called Binary, Captain Marvel also has a unique foresight gift that goes far beyond Peter Parker's Spidey-Sense. With his "cosmic consciousness," Danvers is able to predict not only the next movement of his opponent, but also how the consequences of larger decisions will affect the universe as a whole.

Captain Marvel Cosmic Awareness

Marvel Comics

Sound familiar? Using the power of the Stone of Time, Dr. Strange explored the results of 14 million, six hundred and five potential Thanos dismantling projects during War of infinityBut now that he's gone, Captain Marvel could be the only one to be able to see the "end of the game" until his conclusion thanks to his cosmic consciousness.

What this late game entails is not clear, although time travel may be involved if the most popular Avengers 4 Fan theory is all you need to know.

Brie Larson as Carol Danvers in red suit and red gold Captain Marvel


Let's hope that Captain Marvel's first solo film will cast a more cosmic light on the specifics of Thanos' defeat Avengers 4 While explaining why Nick Fury took so long to call Danvers. Maybe it has something to do with the loss of memory mentioned by Captain Marvel in the trailer?

Even with all its extraordinary powers, even the most powerful of Earth's heroes is not perfect.

Captain Marvel will arrive in cinemas on March 8, 2019 in the United Kingdom and the United States.

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