Cardi B is facing charges of assault at the New York Strip Club


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Hip-hop star Cardi B went to the New York City police on Monday morning following a fight in late August at a strip club, the newspaper said. police.

The Bronx native faces criminal charges of reckless endangerment and assault. She went to a station in the Queens riding before 10 am while security covered her face with umbrellas. Shortly before noon, the singer resurfaced with her lawyer, Jeff Kern.

"We are not aware of any evidence that she caused damage to the club that night," Kern told reporters outside the station. "We expect the problem to be resolved quickly."

The platinum rapper was at the club on August 29 because his husband and fellow rapper, Offset, and his band Migos performed before continuing their New York tour of their Aubrey & Three Migos tour with Drake.

According to the police, the dispute took place at the Angels Strip Club in Queens, where the singer allegedly threw a chair and several other objects at an unintended target. Investigators are also investigating nine or more potential suspects.

Joe Tacopina, a representative of the two women who reported being assaulted, told NBC New York: "Cardi B has ordered and committed violent attacks against my clients and is being sued for his crimes."

"Apparently, she thinks her celebrity status puts her above the law, since she's boasted to so many people and social networks to orchestrate these malicious attacks," she says. said Tacopina in his statement. "But the reality is setting in, because justice does not care whether she calls Cardi B or Carly B, and she will now answer for her crimes."

The former reality star, Belcalis Almánzar, was released on an "office ticket", given to suspects accused of minor offenses in New York, forcing him to appear later.

Image: Cardi B
Cardi B, with a lump on his forehead, goes off after an altercation at a Harper's Bazaar party at the Plaza on September 7, 2018Charles Sykes / AP

The singer "Bodak Yellow" and "I Like It", who played at the Global Citizen Festival this weekend, was also involved in an altercation with rival rapper Nicki Minaj last month.

This brawl at a New York Fashion Week party left Cardi B, 25, with a visible ball on his head.

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