Cardinals lose after rookie Adolis García slips and falls to third place with a potential draw


The Brewers beat the Cardinals on Wednesday night in a tight 2-1 game. The result has won at least one place in the game Wild Card NL for the Brewers and for the Cubs, who sit at 92 wins each in the closest divisional race left in baseball. And there is a rookie of cardinals who will feel like absolute shit about it.

At the bottom of the eighth end, José Martínez, with a man at the first and second runs, slowly hit third. Rookie Adolis García took first place, while Mike Moustakas opened the third goal for a hand-to-hand match. And that's when everything went for everyone:

The best part of this is the catcher Erik Kratz who tries to tag, like Jean-Claude Van Damme when Bolo Yeung throws powder in his eyes. Blood sport. Ahhhhhhh where is the bad guy! The worst is that García opens virtually two the division's enemies in the playoffs when he stumbles and falls after rounding third place. Poor man. The Cardinals are now one and a half games away in the Wild Card NL, with three games to play.

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