Care circuits | Science


It is estimated that raising a child to independence requires 13 million calories (1), almost constant attention and the ability to survive with little sleep. Since parents perform this monumental task without immediate benefit, it is suspected that their behavior is based on neural circuits sculpted by evolution. What do we know about the neural basis of parenting?

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The classical lesion experiments in rodents have involved many brain regions in this fascinating behavior (24). A region consistently identified as essential is the medial preoptic area (MPOA), nested at the bottom of a progressively conserved part of the brain, the hypothalamus (5, 6). The identity of the parental neurons of MPOA was only revealed a few years ago, when my mentor Catherine Dulac and her group discovered that the MPOA neurons expressing the Galanin neuropeptide (MPOAGirl neurons) are crucial for parental behavior in both sexes (7).

This was a breakthrough, but one key question remained: how can a small population of neurons – 10,000 out of a total of 100 million in the mouse brain – control such complex behavior? Parenthood in the mouse consists of stereotyped motor routines such as grooming puppies, retrieving them in the nest and, in females, breastfeeding. But parent animals also have an increased motivation to look for infant stimuli, have distinct hormonal states and adopt fewer non-parental behaviors such as mating (3).

We hypothesized that MPOAGirl neurons orchestrate these various behavioral components by occupying a "pivot" position in a parental circuit dedicated to the entire brain. My goal over the last 4 years has been to test this hypothesis.

A possible parental circuit emerges

I started my project by mapping the connections that MPOAGirl neurons form with the rest of the brain. An impressive range of viruses has been developed for this purpose in recent years. Some have the ability to jump back into neural circuits, thus visualizing the direct inputs of a neuron. Others label the thin axonal arborizations and synaptic terminals of infected neurons. These tracing experiments revealed astounding complexity: the MPOAGal neurons receive inputs from about 20 brain areas and send a similar number of projections (8). However, on closer inspection, a simple organizational principle emerged: MPOAGirl neurons are organized into distinct pools, or subpopulations, each projecting into a different brain zone. Curiously, each group has access to incoming information from the 20 areas of the brain (see figure).

Discrete neural clusters are active during specific parenting behaviors

We then asked which neural basins were crucial for parental behavior. In fact, most areas targeted by MPOAGirl neurons play a role in parenting (24). We therefore sought to determine the most strongly activated pools during pup interactions. Three candidate pools were identified for further investigation: those projecting to peri-aqueducal gray (PAG), ventral tegmental region (VTA) and medial amygdala (MeA) (8).

Are these different pools active during specific aspects of parenting? Using fiber photometry, an imaging approach to record the activity of the population from genetically specified neurons in behavioral animals (9), we found the entire MPOAGirl population to be activated in all the components of parenthood. Surprisingly, however, individual groups have been set for separate parenting episodes (8), suggesting that they might well represent functionally distinct modules. We tested this hypothesis by optogenetically manipulating each of the three pools of candidates.

Manipulation of specific clusters induces discrete parenting behaviors

First, we turned to the PAG. Sexually inexperienced male mice usually attack puppies and become parents only in the weeks following mating (ten). Striking thing, activation of the MPOA projection PAGGirl neurons suppressed puppy-led aggression in such males and increased grooming of puppies in both sexes, suggesting that this pool controls an important driving force of parenting. On the other hand, the activation of the neuronal pool projecting the VTA did not directly affect the interactions between small ones. VTA plays a well-established role in the treatment of motivation and rewards (11, 12).

Parental circuit

A proposed model to determine how neurons expressing galanin in the medial preoptic region (MPOA)Girl) orchestrate components of parental behavior. PAG, peri-ductal gray; VTA, ventral tegmental area; MeA, medial amygdala; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; AVP, vasopressin; OXT, oxytocin; CRH, hormone releasing corticotropin.


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Parental circuit

A proposed model to determine how neurons expressing galanin in the medial preoptic region (MPOA)Girl) orchestrate components of parental behavior. PAG, peri-ductal gray; VTA, ventral tegmental area; MeA, medial amygdala; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; AVP, vasopressin; OXT, oxytocin; CRH, hormone releasing corticotropin.


Because an increased motivation to interact with infants is a characteristic of parental animals (13), we inserted a climbing barrier between the tested animal and the puppies. In this simple test, the activation of the VTA projection pool significantly increased the frequency with which animals passed through the nest box, suggesting that this branch of the circuit controlled the motivation to interact with infants.

Finally, activate these MPOAsGirl the neurons projecting into the MeA did not affect the interactions between the pups, nor the motivation to interact with the pups. However, we unexpectedly discovered that this manipulation suppressed interactions with adult mice, both male and female. This pool could therefore indirectly promote parenting by suppressing nonparental social behaviors.

Conclusions and next steps

Our work suggests a circuit pattern in which MPOA defined by projectionGirl Neural pools control each of the specific aspects of parenting. This provides a new model that allows a small population of genetically defined neurons to orchestrate complex behavior. But this also raises several intriguing questions. Do these pools interact with each other? If so, how is their activity coordinated? If not, can the variations from moment to moment of the sensory input determine which element of the circuit is active? And which basins control other motor aspects of parenting, such as small recovery or building a nest?

We and others have made notable progress in discovering how parenting and other social behaviors are wired into the brain (8, 14, 15). This knowledge is essential from both a basic and a clinical point of view. In humans, parental care is affected by stress and mental illnesses such as depression and postpartum anxiety, which together affect nearly 20% of mothers in the United States (16). Addressing how physiological states and environmental factors interact with these circuits could therefore open new avenues for the treatment of common mental illnesses.


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Johannes Kohl

Johannes Kohl obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Magdeburg in Germany and his doctorate in philosophy. from the University of Cambridge. Dr. Kohl is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and the Sainsbury Wellcome Center for Neural Circuits and Behaviors in London, where he explored the neural circuits underlying parenting. In early 2019, Mr. Kohl will establish his own group at the Francis Crick Institute in London.


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Tomasz J. Nowakowski

Tomasz Nowakowski received his B.Sc (Hons.) And his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. He completed his postdoctoral training at the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Nowakowski is now an adjunct professor at the University of California at San Francisco, where his research team seeks to identify the molecular mechanisms underlying the specification of cell fate and microcircuit formation in the developing cortex. .


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Talia N. Lerner

Talia Lerner received her B.S. from Yale University and Ph.D. from the University of California at San Francisco. She then conducted postdoctoral research at Stanford University. Dr. Lerner is currently an assistant professor at Northwestern University, where she continues to research how dopaminergic circuits regulate reward learning and habit formation and how individual differences in Architecture dopaminergic circuits contribute to the risk of mental disorders.

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