Caregivers face special challenges | Local news


Q: I've heard that this month was the month of caregiver awareness. How can I help raise awareness?

Answer: Caregivers assume the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for a loved one, sometimes without help or respite. Caregivers' efforts can often go unnoticed, unrecognized, and under-appreciated. For those who assume the role of caregiver, a lack of knowledge, resources and / or support can be stressful, fatigued and eventually burnout. By raising awareness of the concerns and challenges of caregivers, communities can help those involved in this role to avoid the negative consequences of burnout, which includes negative health consequences.

During the month of November, we are encouraged to pay special attention to caregivers and to inform others of the challenges they face. You can honor caregivers and their families by encouraging them to talk and share their stories. Presenting the challenges of caregiving through your personal experiences to community, faith-based or civic organizations to which you belong could greatly contribute to raising awareness.

Your story could help other people in a similar situation find help and connect to resources. Supporting a caregiver can take many forms. You can encourage members of your social, professional and spiritual community to help prepare meals or assume certain responsibilities of daily living, such as going to the post office or grocery store for caregivers who They know. One of the most appreciated acts might be your free time to let the caregiver take a break, even if it's only a few hours a month. We will probably all play the role of helping at some point in our lives. So now you have a chance to make a difference for someone else.

In honor of Caregiver Awareness Month, gerontologist Dr. Althea Taylor-Jones will give a presentation on "Caregivers: Getting to know oneself" at the Service Planning Committee meeting. for the aging of Forsyth County on Friday, November 16th at 9am. am in the higher services. These meetings are open to the public. There are also many support groups for caregivers in our area. Caregivers can find respite and support opportunities by calling the Seniors' Helpline at 336-724-2040 or visiting

Q: I've heard that you need to be more careful about influenza prevention as you get older. Is it true? Do you have any tips for avoiding the flu?

Answer: It is particularly important to take precautions against the influenza virus in adults over 65, who are more likely to have severe reactions to the virus. Older people account for about 90% of influenza-related deaths, and this becomes even more dangerous for people with heart disease or COPD.

Influenza is a very contagious disease. Therefore, taking extra steps to stay healthy is just as important for the people who live, work and interact with the elderly as for the elderly themselves. Here are some tips to prevent the spread of the flu virus this season:

1. Get vaccinated every year. The viruses change, so the vaccines are redone every year.

2. Wash your hands as often as possible. If you do not have water or soap, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

4. Use a tissue or sleeve to cover for coughing or sneezing.

If you notice that someone near you has flu-like symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, headache, tiredness, fever, or body aches, avoid close contact with them until you get sick. They have not shown any symptoms for 24 hours. . Nor do you forget that an antiviral drug is effective when it is taken shortly after the onset of symptoms. Do not wait to call the doctor. Finally, you can avoid getting the flu by helping others to take care of themselves. Encourage sick people to stay at home, drink caffeine-free fluids and get plenty of rest. The Forsyth County Public Health Department offers free flu shots for everyone, regardless of insurance status. Residents can receive a flu shot:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8am to noon and from 1pm to 5pm

Thursday from 9:30 to noon, 13:00 to 20:00

Call 336-703-3225 for more information.

AgeWise is a weekly columnstacked by the staff of Senior Services Inc., a nonprofit organization located in Winston-Salem. If you have a question, send an email to [email protected] or send an email to Senior Services, 2895 Shorefair Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.

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