Cargill recalls 132 kg of beef after illness, including 1 probable death due to E. coli


Cargill Inc. recalls more than 132,600 pounds of ground beef potentially contaminated with a harmful E. coli bacteria that food safety investigators believe has already caused 17 illnesses and one death.

The beef came from a Cargill slaughterhouse in Fort Morgan, Colorado, the same site linked to another potential E. coli contamination, which resulted in the recall of 25,000 pounds of ground beef four weeks ago.

In mid-August, the Food Safety Division of the US Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began investigating a possible outbreak of E. coli. Coli, mainly in Florida, which led Publix Super Markets to recall stores.

The USDA and the CDC have finally identified E.'s contamination. Coli in the beef shipped from the Fort Morgan plant to Cargill as "the probable source of the reported diseases". This decision led to the latest Cargill recall, announced Wednesday.

The beef products in question were produced and packaged on June 21 and carry the "EST" factory identification number. 86R ", which can be created inside the USDA inspection mark on the outside of the package.

USDA investigators fear that contaminated products will be inside consumers' freezers. The products have been shipped to the national level.

Most types of E. Coli are harmless and live in the intestines of humans and animals. But many strains are pathogenic and pose serious risks to human health. The USDA has identified the beef recall produced in August at Cargill's Fort Morgan plant as E. coli 0157. On Wednesday, the federal agency identified this second recall as E. coli 026.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, both strains can cause a similar disease.

People usually get sick less than a week after consuming contaminated food. Most people develop diarrhea, often bloody and vomiting. Some infections are more serious in people with kidney failure.

A spokesman for Cargill Meat Solutions, the protein industry within the Minnetonka-based agribusiness, did not immediately respond to a phone call and an email asking for additional information.

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