Cargill remembers 132,000 pounds of beef against E. coli infections


The supplier Publix beef had to remember in August after 18 E. coli diseases announced a Wednesday night recall of 132,606 pounds of beef.

Cargill Meat Solutions sent this recalled beef to meat processing companies such as Certified Angus Beef, Fire River Farms, Sterling Silver, Excel and Our Certified, sold in 3-pound, 10-pound and 20-pound Chubs. All were produced on June 21st and had to be sold or frozen before July 11th. The list of products is here.

"(Food Safety Inspection Service) is concerned that some products are frozen and in consumer freezers," says the USDA recall notice. "Consumers who have purchased these products are advised not to consume them. These products must be discarded or returned to the place of purchase. "

In August, the USDA's food safety inspection service detected 17 illnesses and one death. Most cases of E. coli infection in Florida resulted in a recall on August 30th.

"The FSIS follow-up information indicated that patients had consumed ground beef products purchased from various retail stores provided by Cargill Meat Solutions," the recall notice states.

This version of E. coli can strike within two to eight days after eating contaminated food.

"Most people infected with STEC O26 develop diarrhea (often bloody) and vomiting," says the USDA. "Some diseases last longer and can be more serious. The infection is usually diagnosed by testing a stool sample. Vigorous rehydration and other supportive care are the usual treatments. antibiotic treatment is not usually recommended. Most people recover within a week, but rarely, some develop a more serious infection. "

According to the Centers for Disease Control, HUS, a potentially life-threatening renal failure associated with E. coli O157: H7, is "rare with STEC O26 infection in the United States, but it can begin as diarrhea s & # 39; improves. "

Meat servers or consumers with questions about this recall may call Cargill at 844-419-1574.

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