Carter calls on GOP gubernatorial candidate to resign as Georgia secretary of state


Former President Jimmy Carter has called on Georgia's Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp to resign from his position as the Secretary of State's State of Play.

Carter wrote in a letter to Kemp obtained by the Associated Press in the election because Kemp is "now overseeing the election in which you are a candidate."

As secretary of state, Kemp leads the office that oversees Georgia elections.

"This runs counter to the most fundamental principle of democratic elections – that the electoral process is managed by an independent and impartial election authority," Carter wrote. "Other secretaires d'etat des points de mise en matière de procedure d'entrenchement pour la décision des recourses en cours de la concurrence".

The KPMG suggests that Kemp recognize the responsibility of overseeing the election of a third party, saying that it would show Kemp "the importance of this key democratic principle."

"This would not address every concern, but it would be a sign that you are recognizing the importance of this key principle and want to ensure the confidence of our citizens in the outcome," Carter wrote.

Carter's call for Kemp to resign cams and votes for voting Democrat Stacey Abrams to vote for Kemp.

The AP reported earlier that they were not meeting Georgia's "exact match law."

Under the law, registration forms are considered under the jurisdiction of the United States of America.

Abrams and Democrats have said that it is responsible for the pending application, alleging that it is trying to suppress minority votes. About 70 percent of the applications that are pending from the black voters.

Additionally, the Georgia NAACP reportedly filed complaints last week alleging that voting for Abrams to votes for Kemp.

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