Case of confirmed measles in Portland, about 500 people possibly exposed


PORTLAND, Oregon – Multnomah County authorities say about 500 people were exposed to a confirmed case of measles in the Portland area on Wednesday.

Among these 500 people, the Multnomah County Communicable Disease Services team monitors 40 people. who have been exposed and considered non-immune.

Up to now, no other case has been identified

. Measles is a disease caused by a virus. It spreads in the air while coughing and sneezing and is very contagious.

People with measles can pass the virus on to others before they have symptoms. The virus can also linger in the air for a few minutes or hours after the measles disappears.

"Measles is a serious disease that has been eliminated in the United States through routine childhood immunization," said Dr. Jennifer Vines. , Deputy Health Officer of Multnomah County. "When we see measles today, it is rare and usually the result of a person who was unknowingly infected while traveling outside the United States."

Authorities say the infected person visited a local emergency room and spent time in a Gresham daycare

They say that anyone infected by the person will start to show symptoms no later than mid-July.

Those most at risk of measles are those who are not vaccinated, pregnant women, infants 12 months and people with weakened immune systems

A person is considered immunized against measles if she was born before 1957, if she had already contracted measles or if she was fully vaccinated against measles.

runny nose and red eyes followed by a red rash that usually starts in the head and spreads to the rest of the body. People are contagious with measles for four days before the onset of rash and up to four days after the onset of rash.

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