Casino lights and sounds encourages risky decision-making


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Lights, sounds with risk-taking

This image illustrates the two gambling tasks used in the study. Credit: Cherkasova et al. JNeurosci (2018)

The risk of making gambling behavior is high, and there is a need for risky decision-making and promotion of gambling behavior, suggests new research from the University of British Columbia.

The findings, published today in JNeurosci, the journal from the Society for Neuroscience, suggests that sensory features in casinos may directly influence a player's decisions and encourages them to gamble.

"UBC's postdoctoral research fellow and the study's lead author Mariya Cherkasova," said UBC postdoctoral fellow research fellow, "We found that an individual's choices were less of a gambling game. "Overall, people take more risks when playing casino-like games, regardless of the odds."

The latest studies have been made more frequent by those who are more likely to take care of food when they are accompanied by flashing lights and jingles.

To determine if it would be the case for humans, it would have been more useful than 100 adults play laboratory gambling games that featured sensory feedback models after the "bells and whistles". They found money and slot machine sounds can directly influence an individual's decisions.

The risk of making gambling behavior is high, and there is a need for risky decision-making and promotion of gambling behavior, suggests new research from the University of British Columbia. Credit: Sachi Wickramasinghe / University of British Columbia

"Using eye-tracking technology, we have been able to pay more attention to the information of the world," said the study's senior author Catharine Winstanley, professor at The UBC Department of Psychology and Investigator at the Djavad Mowafaghian Center for Brain Health. "We also noted that participants exhibited greater pupil dilation, suggesting that they were more aroused when they were successful with sensory cues."

In the absence of sensory cues, the researchers found that participants demonstrated more restraint in their decision-making.

These findings provide context for the game of gambling addiction to the lure of the casino.

"Together, these results provide new insight into the role played by audiovisual cues in promoting risky choice, and could explain why some people persist in gambling despite an unfavorable odds of winning," said Cherkasova.

"These results form an important piece of the puzzle in terms of our understanding of how to gambling addiction forms and persists," added Winstanley. "While sound and light stimuli may seem harmless, we're now understanding that these thoughts are biased and encourage risky decision-making."

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More information:
Win-competitor sensory cues can promote riskier choice, JNeurosci (2018). DOI: 10.1523 / JNEUROSCI.1171-18.2018

Journal reference:
Journal of Neuroscience

Provided by:
University of British Columbia

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