Cassini NASA cover won a name Emmy


The space may be the last frontier for these fake astronauts in Star Trek but for real-life space explorers, the last frontier is Hollywood – and NASA can still conquer it

The Jet Propulsion Lab of the agency received an Emmy nomination for its interactive program of exception for its coverage of Cassini's final mission . NASA's Cassini spacecraft has spent nearly 20 years in space, and 13 of them have documented the wonders of Saturn, taking nearly 400,000 images on its journey to the distant planet [19659003] 2017, Cassini plunged into the gas giant's atmosphere to "separate, melt, vaporize and become a part of the planet that he left Earth 20 years ago", said Earl Maize, Project Manager at Cassini. Although the decision was made to avoid the risk that Cassini falls on one of Saturn's moons, she remained emotionally heavy and beautiful.

To document Cassini's last days, JPL created a multi-month digital campaign to celebrate the science of mission. and achievements in engineering, including news, the web, education, television and social media coverage. In the end, the effort earned them a well deserved nod from Emmy.

After all, the actual space is much more interesting to watch than the major reason season of Big Bang Theory . function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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