Cat-4 Hurricane Florence remains on target, forcing evacuations to Carolinas, Va.


Locals in the Carolinas and Virginia prepare for Hurricane Florence, a Saffir-Simpson Category 4 storm that is expected to become even more powerful and dangerous as it reaches the east coast of the United States on Thursday .

If the strength of the storm is sustained, it would be the strongest storm since Hurricane Hugo 29 years ago. The population of the Carolinas has increased by about five million people since then.

The latest National Hurricane Center forecast shows Florence about 925 miles southeast of Cape Fear, North Carolina, Wednesday morning. According to the latest NHC advisory, Florence is expected to cause a storm surge and life-threatening rains in parts of the Carolinas and Atlantic states.

Mandatory evacuations began Tuesday afternoon across the coast of South Carolina, said state governor Henry McMaster. It is expected that nearly a million people will flee the coast and authorities will reverse lanes on major roads to handle traffic.

"This storm is too powerful and its path is too uncertain to take risks," McMaster said in a statement.

Florence is expected to produce total precipitation accumulations of 15 to 20 inches – with distances of up to 30 inches in isolated locations – in parts of North Carolina, Virginia, and northern South Carolina. 'to Saturday, announced Tuesday the hurricane center. "These rains can cause extremely serious floods," said the hurricane center.

"The reinforcement is planned until tonight," said the notice. "Although we are expecting some weakening on Thursday, Florence should be a hugely dangerous major hurricane when it gets closer to the American coast."

People should focus more on the threat of water than on the wind, said Dennis Feltgen, a spokesman for the hurricane center, at The Wall Street Journal.

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Two more hurricanes hit Florence, raising concerns over the resumption of the record-breaking season of 2017, when storms Harvey, Irma and Maria caused more than $ 200 billion in losses, according to reinsurer Munich Re.

Hurricane Isaac and Hurricane Helene are still too far to accurately predict their trajectories. Helene is weakening and is expected to experience a tropical storm by Thursday. Isaac is also a little weaker in moving to the Lesser Antilles, the opinion said.

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The Atlantic was not the only region to experience stormy conditions. Hurricane Olivia was downgraded to a tropical storm and moved about 215 to the east-northeast of Honolulu, with maximum winds blowing at nearly 45 miles per hour.

"A weakening is expected in the next 48 hours, but Olivia is expected to remain a tropical storm for the next day," NHC said. The storm is bad news for a state that continues to clean up after Hurricane Lane, which caused massive rains, floods and landslides in August.

According to another opinion, tropical storm Paul was decommissioned into a tropical depression and was located about 1,000 miles west of the southern tip of Baja California.

As the chart illustrates, Hurricane Katrina, the storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, remains the most expensive of the United States.

But the three hurricanes of 2017 have combined to create a record season. Hurricane Harvey caused the most damage in Texas, where he dumped more than 30 inches of rain on 6.9 million people, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, where its cost, both human and material, is still being calculated.

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