Cate Blanchett defends heterosexual actors playing homosexual characters | Movie


Cate Blanchett defended heterosexual actors playing homosexual characters and declared that she would "fight to the death" to have the right to suspend disbelief.

Hollywood has been criticized for entrusting LGBT roles to heterosexual actors. Scarlett Johansson stopped playing a transgender character in July as a result of a violent reaction.

Blanchett, who played a lesbian in Carol in 2015, does not agree with the idea that an interpreter can only create a deep connection with a character if they have shared experiences, and feels that she defy the point of acting.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, she said: "It also concerns something that fascinates me in the narrative in general, but especially in the film, which can be a literal medium.

"And I will fight to death to have the right to suspend disbelief and play roles beyond my experience. I think that reality TV and all that that has involved have had a tremendous impact, a profound impact on how we envision character creation.

"I think this offers a lot of opportunities, but the disadvantage is that we, and especially in America, I think we are waiting and waiting only for people to establish a deep connection with a character when he is close from their experience. "

Sir Ian McKellen is one of those who criticizes Hollywood's attitude towards gay actors. No overtly homosexual man has ever won an Oscar for Best Actor, but heterosexual actors have won the award for playing LGBT roles. Tom Hanks won one for Philadelphia and Sean Penn for Milk.

Fifty-two people in a row were nominated for the Oscars for playing homosexual characters.

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