Catholics must say no to the pope's sweet dictatorship – The Buffalo News


By Paul Snyder III

We all regret certain decisions in life. For me, it was my choice not to learn Spanish. So, in my search for the only word that could capture the essence of Pope Francis, it is with great irony that the Spanish language would give me the most appropriate – dictablandas!

For those like me who "no habla Espanol", dictablandas is a Spanish word game referring to a benevolent dictator. It is also the description that best suits our Holy Father and the papacy.

Like many Catholics, I have a sincere love for Pope Francis. However, I was shocked to learn of the extraordinary restrictions that he had imposed on the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the United States at the opening day of their conference, which had for objective to face the catastrophic crisis of sexual abuse against our church.

Specifically, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the USCCB, said: "At the insistence of the Holy See, we will not vote …". our children and young adults. dictablandas!

Our great country was founded on the ideal that every citizen has an inalienable right to vote. Wars have taken place, civil rights have been won and generations of families have been sacrificed for the freedom of autonomy provided by the right to vote. When this freedom is usurped by those who abuse God's authority over ordinary people, you have dictablandas.

As an American citizen who proudly exercises his right to vote, I choose no.

No to dictablandas.

No to accept half-truths and broken promises of bishops.

No to a Vatican account that treats ordinary Catholics as though they had no role in their church, their faith, or their future.

It is time for a new church to appear, led by the Holy Spirit, with a multitude of faithful clergy and the millions of Catholics who dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ. It is this faith and its holy people who have changed the course of history and made the world a better place.

For those of us who feel betrayed by these scandals and offend the indifference of Catholic bishops, it is time to make your "vote" count too. You can vote by retaining your contributions. You can vote by writing letters to your pastors demanding the responsibility of the bishop.

You can vote by showing yourself and committing yourself to your church so that your voice is heard.

Martin Luther King Jr. once declared: "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it turns to justice. , for our children and for the future of our church.

Paul Snyder III, a Buffalo businessman, is a deacon at St. Mary's Church in Swormville.

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