Cayuga County Confirms Rare Case of Powassan Virus Transmitted by Ticks


The Powassan virus is transmitted to people by the bite of an infected tick. The state health department informed the Cayuga County health authorities that an adult living in the county had a confirmed case of Powassan virus.

AUBURN, N.Y. – Cayuga County Health Authorities have confirmed the existence of a rare case of Powassan virus in an adult living in the county.

"The Powassan virus is a rare, but often serious, disease caused by a virus that is spread by the bite of a blacklegged tick or an infected deer tick," according to a press release from the Cayuga County Department of Health.

"Unlike other tick-borne diseases, the Powassan virus can be transmitted to a human through an infected tick while it is attached to a person for as little as 15 minutes," the statement said.

The state health department has informed Cayuga County health officials of the first confirmed case of Powassan virus in an adult living in the county.

"It's in the far west of the state of New York that the virus has been identified," county health officials said in the statement.

According to the State of New York State Health, there are 1 to 2 cases of virus each year. At the national level, about 75 cases have been reported in the last 10 years, according to the state.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most cases are reported in the Northeast and Great Lakes regions, mainly in late spring, early summer and mid-summer. autumn, when ticks are the most active.

"There are no preventable vaccines or drugs to treat the Powassan virus infection," according to the CDC.

Although many people who are infected with the Powassan virus do not develop symptoms, those who do, usually appear one to four weeks after being bitten by a tick infected with the virus, health officials said.

Symptoms may include fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, confusion, loss of coordination, speech problems, convulsions, paralysis, coma or death. Powassan virus can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord).

"People with Powassan Syndrome often have to be hospitalized for respiratory support and brain swelling," county officials said in the press release. "Reduce the risk of infection with the Powassan virus by avoiding ticks."

County officials did not explain how the resident infected with the Powassan virus behaved. Health officials could not be contacted for comment Monday night.

The health department's press release, however, included several tips to prevent people from exposing themselves to ticks. In an area potentially infested with ticks:

* Wear light colored clothing (for easy discovery of ticks);

* Put the pants in the socks and the shirt in the pants;

* Check frequently during outdoor activities for ticks on clothing or skin;

* Remove ticks from clothing or skin before attaching skin; and

* Thorough checking of body surfaces for ticks attached should be done once inside. Wearing an insect repellent can also help reduce tick bites that can spread diseases.

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