CBS Appoints Richard Parsons as Acting President


Richard Parsons, photographed in May 2014, is a former President and CEO of Time Warner.

Richard Parsons, photographed in May 2014, is a former President and CEO of Time Warner.


Associated Press


CBS -0.09%

The board of directors has appointed Richard Parsons interim chairman, and two other long-serving directors have stepped down at the last major change in the broadcaster's ranks, the company said on Tuesday.

Former President and CEO of Time Warner Inc., Mr. Parsons joined the CBS Board only a few weeks after the resignation of Leslie Moonves as President and Chief Executive Officer amid allegations of misconduct sexual.

Known for his lovable personality and as a creator of consensus, Parsons will seek to stabilize CBS's board of directors and society not only because of the sudden departure of Mr. Moonves, but also

Mr. Moonves has denied allegations that he has committed sexual assault, been forced on women, or has already harmed the careers of women who rejected his advances.

Parsons said in a statement that he was eager to learn about CBS's exciting opportunities and how we can help guide and support the growth of the company.

One of Parsons' main priorities will be to look for a new CEO for CBS. Chief Operating Officer Joe Ianniello has been appointed Interim President and Chief Executive Officer following the resignation of Mr. Moonves. He is a candidate, but the board of directors must also look for other potential candidates for the position. Mr. Parsons has been invited to the CBS Board of Directors by Shari Redstone, Vice President of CBS and Chairman of Majority Shareholder National Amusements Inc.

Bruce Gordon and William Cohen, Senior Independent Director, leave the Board. They both attempted to reduce the controlling interest held by National Amusements Inc. from 80% to 20%.

The departure of MM. Gordon, former president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of People of Color and Cohen, Cohen Group President and CEO and former US Secretary of Defense, surprised the board members. The couple sent resignation letters without any explanation of their departure, according to a familiar person. The new CBS Board of Directors is scheduled to meet for the first time this Friday. CBS said in its statements that they had resigned from their seats to "focus on other personal and professional priorities".

Neither Mr. Gordon nor Mr. Cohen could be reached for comment.

Write to Joe Flint at [email protected]

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