CBS executive, Vinnie Favale, put on leave following allegations of misconduct


A CBS executive was put on leave after publishing a report accusing the journalist of regularly making sexual and homophobic comments at work. He would have called Stephen Colbert "gay" and reportedly said that actor Hugh Jackman was "in the closet".

Vincent "Vinnie" Favale has been put on leave while bosses are investigating, a spokesman for CBS said on Wednesday.

The announcement took place just hours after CNN published an article in which former colleagues accused Favale, vice president of talent for CBS TV Studios, of making rude comments in front of them .

"I will never forget the day he said that he had had four erections while watching Jennifer Hudson repeat," recalled a former CBS executive in his report.

Favale reportedly made the vulgar noise as he watched the award-winning performer repeat a rehearsal before an appearance in 2015 in "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert".

Some of those interviewed in the story stated that Favale had used "homos" and "gay" pejoratively in reference to guests and co-workers and had questioned Colbert's sexual orientation during rehearsals.

"He would call Stephen frequently [Colbert] gay because of his apparent inability to properly interview women, "a former executive told CNN.

The people who agreed to talk to CNN said they were emboldened to share their accounts after Moonves had been forced to resign last month due to allegations of sexual harassment and assaults.

Favale denied any allegation of retaliation and indicated that his comments had been taken out of context.

"The allegations that I have retaliated against anyone in any way are entirely false. I've spent my entire career attending humorous shows, where there's always been a lot of room for making transgressive jokes while preparing for the program, "he told CNN . "Although we make a lot of jokes, these jokes that were attributed to me, whether at rehearsals or production meetings, were taken out of context and were not said in the way presented here."

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