CDC Committee Recommends Routine Immunization Against Hepatitis A Among Homeless People


The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously voted today to add homelessness to an indication of inactivated routine inactivation of hepatitis A virus at 2 doses.

The vote took place in the context of an outbreak of HAV in which several states reported more than 6,500 infections, 3,800 hospitalizations and 70 deaths associated with person-to-person transmission.

During the current HAV outbreak, many people have been affected by a high percentage of homeless people, including 40% in an outbreak in San Diego and more than 10% in homes in Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee and West Virginia. This is the first major outbreak of HAV infection reported among the homeless in the United States.

The ACIP Working Group on Viral Hepatitis who made the recommendation stated that it would "allow homeless people to be vaccinated with the help of services and facilities." who already provide established health care to the homeless population. " considered by these suppliers.

"The benefit we get from vaccinating the homeless is significant and the cost and risk of homeless immunization is much lower than not vaccinating these people," he said. Mona Doshani, MD, MPH, CDC National Center for the Prevention of Viral Hepatitis, STDs and Tuberculosis.

According to the Task Force, an unpublished analysis of HAV cases reported between November 2016 and May 2018 in San Diego showed that homelessness was independently associated with a two to three times greater likelihood of infection. and at a probability of two to four times higher to become severe, especially hospitalization and death.

The study also showed that more than 25% of homeless patients had no indication for recommended anti-HAV vaccination. – by Gérard Gallagher

Disclosures: Doshani and the members of the ACIP having the right to vote do not declare any relevant financial information.

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