CDC: Montana among states with the lowest rates of obesity


HELENA – The WE Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention published new data showing Montana is among the states with the lowest obesity rates.

Montana has the sixth the lowest obese and overweight population. Health experts recognize our outdoor recreation culture and our cycling and pedestrian friendly communities.

However, 25% of the state's treasury population is still overweight, and type II diabetes and hypertension, diseases typically associated with obesity, continue to have serious impacts on Montana communities.

The most vulnerable people in the state are the elderly, people with disabilities, and those with substance abuse problems.

"Even though we are below, there is still a lot of work to be done," said Mandi Zanto, DHSSP Section Supervisor. "You know, 25%, a pretty significant amount of Montanans who still need help to become healthier, become more active."

DPHHS has created many programs to help people with weight issues in Montana, such as Tela Health, which offers services with a video chat doctor to those who can not see doctors.

Montana Public Health Association The conference will begin this week and they will discuss research, ideas and strategies with national public health experts for the coming year.

-Mercedies Pruneda report for MTN News

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