CDC urges people to get vaccinated to avoid another bad season


(WCMH) – As the summer winds to a close, federal health officials are urging people to prepare for another nasty flu season.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 700,000 people have been hospitalized, CNBC reported. There were epidemic levels of flu or pneumonia for 16 consecutive weeks.

"Influenza is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death," the CDC said on its website. "An annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to help protect against flu. Vaccination has been shown to have many benefits of reducing the risk of illness, hospitalization and the risk of flu-related death in children. "

CNBC reported 180 children died from the virus during the last flu season.

The CDC wants everyone to plan to get their flu shot this year, to help ensure that this is not bad.

A yearly flu shot is recommended for all six months of age or older, especially for those at high risk of flu-related complications. Those at high risk include:

  • Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old
  • Adults 65 years of age and older
  • Pregnant women (and women up to two weeks postpartum)
  • Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities

The shot is also highly recommended for anyone with the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions (including disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and muscle such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, seizure disorders, stroke, intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay, muscular dystrophy, or spinal cord injury)
  • Chronic lung disease COPD and cystic fibrosis
  • Heart disease (such as congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease)
  • Blood disorders (such as sickle cell disease)
  • Endocrine disorders (such as diabetes)
  • Kidney disorders
  • Liver disorders
  • Metabolic disorders (such as inherited metabolic disorders and mitochondrial disorders)
  • Weakened immune system due to disease or medication (such as people with HIV or AIDS, or cancer, or those on chronic steroids)
  • People who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy
  • People with extreme obesity [BMI] of 40 or more) Calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI

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