Celebrate NASA's 60th Anniversary in your Manatee County Library


On July 29, 1958, Congress passed a law establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA sponsored space expeditions that provided information on the solar system, weather forecasts, and global communications. President John F. Kennedy said that America should put a man on the moon by committing America to win the race to space.

Since Neil Armstrong's first moon trip to the construction of the International Space Station, NASA has continued to make great strides in space exploration despite the setbacks.

"Rocket Men, The Epic Story of the First Men on the Moon" by Robert Kurson tells the story of three astronauts – Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders – who were the first men of the 39, history to go to the moon.

In August 1968, NASA made a bold leap into the space race, making the decision to launch Apollo 8 to take the men to the moon. This thriller shot from hundreds of hours of interviews with astronauts, their families and NASA staff, is filled with unforgettable details that reveal the epic dangers and bravery that it took for that humanity leaves the Earth.

"Too Far From Home" by Chris Jones is a true adventure story unfolding in space that captures in a striking way the dangerous reality of space travel.

On February 1, 2003, when the Columbia exploded, the public remained unaware that three men were orbiting the earth and had just lost their return home. The besieged mission controls in Houston and Moscow worked frantically against the clock to bring their men back to earth. It's a wonderfully written and amazing saga of the return trip.

"The Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth" by Colonel Chris Hadfield takes the reader into years of training and space exploration to show how to make it impossible possible. While he was recording nearly 4,000 hours in space, Colonel Hadfield entered a space station with a Swiss army knife, eliminated a living snake while flying a plane, and was temporarily blinded in his life. hanging on the outside of a spacecraft in orbit.

Using fun and entertaining stories, his refreshing ideas will teach you to think like an astronaut and change the way you view life on Earth.

Endurance: A Year in Space, a Life of Discovery "is a personal memoir of Scott Kelly, the astronaut and hero who spent a record year aboard the International Space Station.

Kelly, a veteran of four spaceflight, experienced little, the extreme challenge of long-term space flight, the devastating effects on the body, the isolation of all that he loves, and the comfort of Earth.His message of hope is clear for the future that will inspire future generations.Library.Speaking Volumes, written by Manatee staff members County Public Library System, is published every Sunday in the Bradenton Herald.

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