Celtic Notes: Dominant win over bulls could not have happened at a better time | Boston Celtics


It's not really a breaking news that the Boston Celtics are not what they are supposed to be.

Whether it was a lack of chemistry, the inability to close games or struggling to get ahead early, a 7-6 record at the Wednesday entry was not quite right sufficient.

But after a trip down the abominable road where they went 1-4 (and their only win is in overtime against a horrible Phoenix Suns team), an appointment with the Chicago Bulls was exactly what they needed. Do not get me wrong, the Bulls have their share of young talent even with Lauri Maarkanen hurt, but it was a team that the Celtics needed to do, and they did it.

Boston sent Chicago 111-82 to TD Garden on Wednesday for the first contest of a three-game family match. After a fairly equal first period, the Celtics dominated the Bulls 32-11 in the second quarter and never looked back. No game away, no barn burners against teams that should collapse, just a total win.

And the timing could not be better. Why? Because on Friday, the Toronto Raptors will arrive in town.

The Raptors lead the Eastern Conference with a record of 12-3 and are exactly what they were supposed to be. This will be a major test for the Celtics, who have already lost to Toronto this season. That's not to say that a mid-November game will tell you everything you need to know about a team, but with the way the Celtics have played this season, the Raptors showdown will give them a good idea of where they really are. .

And although the Bulls are not exactly a team that the Celtics should boast of beating, Wednesday's win should give them a little boost in confidence before a big game.

Here are some other notes from Wednesday's Celtics-Bulls game:

– The most disappointing player for the Celtics this season has been Jaylen Brown. He was expected to take a step back with Gordon Hayward, but he plunged a little more than he expected.

He was however distinguished Wednesday with the Celtics, with 18 points. He fired 8 times out of 14 on the court, grabbing six rebounds and recording three assists with a steal.

The Celtics are a much better team when Brown is not useless on the offensive and Wednesday was a good example.

– By the time the second half went on, the Bulls had clearly packed him, but nevertheless, Gordon Hayward seemed particularly strong in the last two quarter-finals.

Hayward led all the Celtics with 10 points in the second half. In that 14:38 action, he also grabbed three rebounds with four assists and three interceptions.

We have seen Hayward begin to move at a rapid pace, and over time he feels like he is really going to settle.

– One of the biggest problems for the Celtics this season is the 3-point shot, but they have reduced the effectiveness against the Bulls. The Celtics fired 15-34 from outside the bow, Jayson Tatum having managed half of his eight attempts by far.

Photo thumbnail via Greg M. Cooper / USA TODAY Sports Images

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