CERN suspends research after discussion


Strumia's conversation has been removed from the online repository of the center. The slides contained tables, charts and tables that were difficult to understand out of context, but a quote said, "Physics invented and built by men is not by invitation."

In a phone interview Monday, Strumia said he wanted to debunk what he was insisting as a misconception, and that he did not believe that men were better than women in physics.

"There is a political group that wants women and other people to believe that they are victims," ​​he said.

"This [seminar] said continually [saying]"Men are bad, men are sexist, they discriminate against us" – a lot of things like that.

"I checked if that was true … and the result was: it was not true."

CERN scientists say that men are discriminated against in physics.

CERN scientists say that men are discriminated against in physics.

Photo: AP

Noting the suspension, Strumia lashed out at the center, but expressed hope that it would come back to him.

"I think CERN is making a mistake," he said. "They've suspended me because it's true … and that's against the political line, and I hope that CERN will understand at some point." hope this is only the first instinct of preservation. "

"Someone had to talk [up]. "

In a statement, the center said it was "fully committed to promoting diversity and equality at all levels".

Laura Covi, who is studying cosmology at Georg-August University in Goettingen, Germany, and attending Friday's seminar, said Strumia's comments were not going well.

Covi stated that Strumia claimed that women were able to secure jobs in the research sector although they cited fewer magazines in their name.

"I'm not sure that her thesis is corroborated by the data," she said.

Covi acknowledged that some of the world's most prominent physicists were men, but said that it was "of essentially historical bias" since men had been able to study physics longer than the women.

She also questioned the fact that the quotes are an indicator of quality and stated that it was not her experience that female physicists were able to land jobs with fewer publications in magazines than men.

Mr. Covi stated that Strumia had often made provocative remarks in the past and that after his presentation, many people challenged him at the seminar, so much so that the president had to end abruptly at the session when it lasted longer.

"People were upset by what he said, and then he started making completely unscientific statements," she said, refusing to say.

"I do not think it represents the opinion of the majority," Covi said. "There were some men who were there but they did not support his point of view."

Dr. Julie Moote of University College London, who had already expressed herself during the seminar, said that it was "a pity" that Strumia "did not" engage "with the testimonials Other presenters, including his research with more than 40,000 young people in England and his interviews, are working with young people from 10 to 18 years old.

"The results show that young women experience sexism in physics – on the part of a teacher," from a boy's brain to do physics ", to survey data showing that boys feel more encouraged by their physics teachers than girls – in a situation where even some of the most successful young women doubted being "smart enough" to do physics, "said Moote.

CERN is currently headed by a woman: Italian particle physicist Fabiola Gianotti.


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