Cesar Sayoc's way on social media: photos of food to partisan fury


"There are lots of people like that," said Shannon McGregor, assistant professor of communications at the University of Utah, who studies social media. "He brought these memes to extreme extreme violence, but it's a pretty big world on social media."

The genesis of Mr Sayoc's awakening is perhaps never known, but hints about it first appeared on his Facebook feed in early 2016, as the first season of the presidential election began.

In February, he posted on YouTube a link to a video on conspiracy theory entitled "Is Barack Obama ANTICHRIST – 100% PROOF Is There!" A clip starring Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, "MUST HEAR: Sean exposes illegal statistics on immigrant crime". He has published several anti-Obama videos on his thread, interspersed with stories about personal finance and his football players.

In the summer, Sayoc's social media activities were exclusively political.

On Facebook, he has published articles on Infowars, World Net Daily, Breitbart and other right-wing websites. His messages, which rarely included comments outside of the links, showed a fascination with Islamist terrorism, clandestine immigration and anti-Clinton conspiracy theories. (On a post, a YouTube link, he wrote: "The Clintons have shipped $ 2 billion through the Clinton Foundation.")

In October, a month before Mr. Trump's election, Mr. Sayoc posted a series of photos of himself at a rally for the Trump campaign, watching the crowd in a red cap "Make America Great Again" .

Despite his prolific post, Mr. Sayoc does not seem to have won a large audience. His Twitter account was attended by less than 1,200 people this Friday morning and, although he has nearly 3,000 friends on Facebook, many of his posts have never been commented or shared.

Mr. Sayoc has become a vocal supporter of President Trump.

It has, however, shown an unusual tendency to publish stories and images over and over, sometimes dozens of times.

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