Chamber of Commerce County Reports First Case of West Nile Virus in 2018


A case of West Nile virus was reported Saturday in a patient from Chambers County who had survived the mosquito-borne disease, health officials said.

This was the first known case of the virus reported by the Department of Public Health in Chambers County in 2018, the agency said.

The patient, who has not been identified, lives in Chambers County (West) and has since left the hospital.

In the west, in September, a man from southwestern Harris County, suffering from an underlying chronic disease, died as a result of the virus. He was the second known death of the disease in Texas this year. At least 109 cases in humans have been reported throughout the state.

Dr. Clay Brown, head of health for Chambers County, said they would continue to investigate the case, which took place just weeks after the end of the Nile season. Western, from June to October.

Cases most affected by West Nile cases in Texas occur between November and December.

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