Chance the Rapper supports Amara Enyia as the next Mayor of Chicago


Chance the Rapper endorses Amara Enyia, director of the Austin Chamber of Commerce, in the fierce race at Chicago City Hall.

"I mean narcissistically: if I support you, you have a chance," said the rapper alongside Enyia at a press conference held Tuesday morning at City Hall.

The Sun-Times reported Monday that Enya was Chance's likely choice.

The approval of the celebrity brings much needed attention to the little-known Enyia, who is not among the first in the race for mayor.

This is not a flash in the pan, "said Chance.

Enyia's name began appearing on Twitter in Chicago just after Chance's public approval.

Chance said he supported Enyia because she is the mayor candidate whose views "fit most with mine".

The candidate announced that she and Chance would embark on a broad voter registration and education campaign. She said that she wanted her campaign to "give hope" to young people.

Luck triggered a storm of speculation on Monday when he threw on Twitter the second half of a line of one of his songs.

Just past noon, Chance tweeted: "I think I should maybe I should" – excerpt from a replica of his 2015 song "Somewhere in Paradise".

But he asked the question – should what? The answer was in the song? Because here is the complete line of lyrics:

"They shout Chano for mayor, I think maybe I should do it"

The tweet prompted a group of his supporters to urge him to run for the first half-race at the town hall.

Chance's announcement came after his father, Ken Bennett, former mayor's assistant Rahm Emanuel, appointed Cook County chairman Toni Preckwinkle as mayor last month.

Chance said Tuesday while he loved his father and he "rocked" always with his father, they are from different sides in this race.


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No chance? Hip-hop star approves – does not run – in mayoral race, sources said

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