Chance the Rapper supports Amara Enyia in the Chicago Mayor's race


Chance the Rapper, who is increasingly involved in Chicago politics, has been supporting a local activist with whom he shares a political vision of the future of the city.

Chance, whose full name is Chancellor Bennett, said that he supported Amara Enyia, director of the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

"I will probably never be a candidate for mayor of this city, but I think that Amara and I share a vision of what Chicago should be," he said at a press conference at City Hall.

Enyia participated in the 2015 campaign before giving up and joining Ald. The team of Bob Fioretti.

READ MORE: Amara Enyia enters the race for the Mayor of Chicago »

Chance the Rapper, hip hop artist originally from Chatham turned philanthropist, has become a declared activist and civic leader in Chicago in recent years, calling for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, uniting at the #NoCopAcademy for s & # 39; 39 to oppose the West Police training academy and buying the Chicagoist closed blog.

In a video released this week, Chance became a Lyft driver as part of the "Undercover Lyft" series, to support arts education programs in Chicago public schools.

His father, Ken Bennett, former head of the Obama administration, was present at the recent announcement of Cook County County Council Chair Toni Preckwinkle, who was running as Mayor of Chicago.

"It's not a flash in the pan. I am here. I have been working with Amara for a few weeks, "said Bennett. "I would like to consider myself a political strategist and, yes, we are about to do that."


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