Change the law of & # 39; stand your ground & # 39; from Florida, says Marlock McGlockton's family lawyer


A prominent civil rights lawyer on Thursday urged Florida lawmakers to amend state law to prevent the person shown from being the aggressor in a confrontation of claiming the law. ;immunity.

Lawyer Benjamin Crump joins the family of 28-year-old Markeis McGlockton, father of three fatally shot dead by another man in a Clearwater parking lot, and argued that there is enough evidence for state prosecutors to be able to lay charges against the shooter

"Crump said at a press conference outside the Pinellas County Justice Center. [19659002HealsocalledonstatelegislatorstopasstougherfirearmsliabilitylawsFloridahassomeofthemostlaxlawsinthenationsaysGiffordsLawCentertoPreventGunViolenceCalifornianfoundedbyformercongressmanGabbyGiffords

McGlockton's murder in Circle A convenience store a week ago Pinellas Township Sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, said Friday that he will not stop It would not or would not charge Drejka after reviewing the surveillance footage in the case, but would leave the file to state attorneys for them to review

. The video shows McGlockton, with his girlfriend, Britany Jacobs, and their three young children, entering a parking spot for the disabled. After McGlockton and his 5-year-old son enter the store, Drejka gets in the car.

The police said that Drejka and Jacobs quarreled over whether it could be parked there without the right stickers.

The video shows Jacobs coming out of the car just as McGlockton rushes out of the store and then pushes Drejka to the floor. In response, Drejka takes a weapon out of his pocket

  Markeis McGlockton
Markeis McGlockton Courtesy of Britany Jacobs / WFLA

McGlockton seems to be backing away, and Drejka shoots him once. According to Gualtieri, McGlockton died in the hospital following a gunshot wound in the chest, according to police.

According to Gualtieri, the video seems to show that Drejka is protecting herself as permitted by state law. Crump and another family lawyer, Michele Raynor, disagreed with the assessment, saying Thursday that it was Drejka who had initiated the whole incident. when he got on the vehicle and started questioning Jacobs.

McGlockton, who was not armed, was only trying to protect his family, they added. They also asked if the young father's race would be a factor in how the case is pursued. McGlockton is black and Drejka is white.

Crump also represented the family of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager fatally injured in 2012 by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. He was finally acquitted of the murder after claiming self-defense in a lawsuit that sparked a national debate about race, arms and the laws of "stand your ground".

Since 2005, Floridians have been allowed to use lethal force against another person

The law states that a person can not use a "stand your ground" defense if it " initially causes the use or threat of use ". by force against himself. "But there are also reservations that the use of force is justified if the person is still in danger.

It will be up to prosecutors to decide whether this is applicable in this case. Bernie McCabe, Pinellas County Attorney, declined to comment on the office's review

Drejka's house calls went unanswered Thursday

Jacobs told reporters that she had It's hard to tell his children that their father's home McGlockton's funeral is scheduled for Saturday.

"I'm answering questions for my babies," says Jacobs. "They ask me," Where's my dad? "And I need answers. "

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