Charlamagne Tha God and Kanye West TimesTalk canceled


Charlamagne Tha God announced that his TimesTalk mental health condition with Kanye West had been canceled.

"Normalizing your mental health is a conversation I really wanted to have with Kanye, because he was talking so much about his own mental health issues," The breakfast club The co-host, who has already revealed his own battle with mental health, wrote Monday.

"Unfortunately, I think having this conversation with him right now would not be productive and would be a total distraction from the point of view of the goal: to eliminate the stigma of mental health, especially in the community black, "added Charlamagne, 40.

The host's decision to cancel the event, scheduled for October 17, comes just days after West, 41, met President Donald Trump at the White House.

During his visit, the Chicago rapper congratulated Trump and explained his decision to wear the MAGA hat.

"You know, they tried to scare me away from wearing that hat – my own friends," said West. "But this hat gives me … it gives me power, in a way. You know, my dad and my mom broke up, so I did not have a lot of masculine energy at home. And then, I'm married to a family that … (laughs) – you know, there's not a lot of masculine energy, "West said of his wife Kim Kardashian.

"It's beautiful, though," West continues. But there are times when, you know, there's something about … you know, I love Hillary [Clinton]. I love everyone, right? But the "I'm with her" campaign did not just make me think, as a guy, that my dad did not always have to see him, like a guy who could play with his son. "

RELATED: Kanye West says he called George W. Bush a racist in 2005: "I was trapped in a victim's mentality"

Charlamagne Tha God and Kanye West

Charlamagne Tha God and Kanye West

Joshua Blanchard / Getty; Dominique Charriau / WireImage

"It was something about when I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman." You made a Superman. It was my … it was my favorite superhero. And you made a Superman cape, "added West.

West also told Trump his diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

"I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I was in connection with a neuropsychologist who works with athletes from the NBA and the NFL. He looked at my brain, "said West.

RELATED: Kanye West tells Trump that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was just sleepy

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Evan Vucci / AP / REX / Shutterstock

"After stating that he had undergone a 98 percent" IQ test, "Mr. West added that the doctor had told him," I was not really bipolar; I was suffering from sleep deprivation, which could cause dementia in 10 to 20 years without even remembering my son's name. "

RELATED: Kim Kardashian knows Kanye West is not healthy at the moment, says source

Before the meeting between West and Trump, Charlamagne told MSNC "Kanye West does not represent all blacks."

"I am black and I do not support Donald Trump in any way."

On the TimesTalks website, it is noted that West and Charlamagne have canceled their appearance.

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