Charles B. Johnson, owner of the San Francisco Giants, donates to Super PAC who made this super racist radio ad


Photo: Marcio Sanchez (AP)

A super PAC called Black Americans on the President's agenda has paid for an incredibly racist radio ad in favor of Hill, Arkansas congressman, who looks like a donkey and looks like a peanut , gave up yesterday. The announcement was aimed at black voters (the PAC aired a similar announcement in Missouri) and features two cartoons agreeing to vote for GOP candidates because the Democratic Party's attempt to question alleged rapist Brett Kavanaugh means that the presumption of innocence is dead and therefore black. men will be subject to "race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings when a white girl shouts" rape!

ThinkProgress has tapped into black American finance for the president's program and found that – surprise! –the large majority donors to the super PAC are white. The PAC is led by the world-class and failed congressional candidate, Vernon Robinson, who announced that the ad cost $ 50,000. Patricia Duggan, the wife of Scientologist billionaire Bob Duggan, and the owners of San Francisco Giants, who control the owner, Charles B. Johnson, are among the wealthy whites who donated to the super PAC.

Johnson, a 85-year-old who keeps a low profile in the media, has long been a reliable donor to GOP causes, and he donated $ 100,000 to a super PAC supporting Donald Trump in August 2016. Johnson bought for the first time a little piece of The Giants when they were about to move to Florida in the early 90's. He gradually bought more shares until he owned 25% of the team by 2011.

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